What never ceases to amaze me is how some people obsess over shit like this, when there are far better questions to devote your time to.
Like, for instance, the solipsist argument that we are more likely to be living in a computer simulated universe than not.
Or superstring theory - explaining quantum field theory by postulating that extremely tiny strings vibrating at different resonances produce and govern different sub-atomic particles.
Or how, if time travel is possible, then it stands to reason that everything that happens or has ever happened on Earth or anywhere else has already been interfered with.
If only people would concentrate on things like that, we might actually have a deeper understanding, and greater collective intelligence as a species. Instead of, y'know, wibbling on about what are actually infinitesimally minuscule events in the grand scheme of things.
PS: Having been an insomniac of note for nearly thirty years, I can tell you I've devoted far more time than is healthy to questions like the above three!
You've been on the ketamine!
Nah - just laid awake until 5 o'clock in the morning more times than I care to count!
What never ceases to amaze me is how some people obsess over shit like this, when there are far better questions to devote your time to.
Like, for instance, the solipsist argument that we are more likely to be living in a computer simulated universe than not.
Or superstring theory - explaining quantum field theory by postulating that extremely tiny strings vibrating at different resonances produce and govern different sub-atomic particles.
Or how, if time travel is possible, then it stands to reason that everything that happens or has ever happened on Earth or anywhere else has already been interfered with.
If only people would concentrate on things like that, we might actually have a deeper understanding, and greater collective intelligence as a species. Instead of, y'know, wibbling on about what are actually infinitesimally minuscule events in the grand scheme of things.
PS: Having been an insomniac of note for nearly thirty years, I can tell you I've devoted far more time than is healthy to questions like the above three!
You've been on the ketamine!
Nah - just laid awake until 5 o'clock in the morning more times than I care to count!
Was reading about string theory and M theory the other day actually. Im not the most intelligent person in the world, so it was hard to get my head around, but it fascinated me.
You may have noticed the flippant nature of my previous posts on this thread. It is only to balance the utter stupidity of the conspiracy theory and argument.
Or how, if time travel is possible, then it stands to reason that everything that happens or has ever happened on Earth or anywhere else has already been interfered with.
Thus making time travel bollocks...Thanks for that mate...thought I was on my own with that one.
The biggest problem with time travel is the fact the earth is moving through space. We circle the sun at around 12m/s, the sun itself is moving around the Milky Way, which is in turn moving through space. So if I travel into the future just 1 hour, I'll reappear around 43km away from my current location, which could mean I'm floating in mid-air somewhere or buried deep underground. If I travel back or forward in time any significant amount of time then I could be millions of miles away from the earth.
So even if we could invent a time machine, we'd have to also invent a machine that could either teleport us to any spot in the galaxy, or could travel amazingly fast to get us somewhere near the action once we'd complete out time jump.
If only people would concentrate on things like that, we might actually have a deeper understanding, and greater collective intelligence as a species. Instead of, y'know, wibbling on about what are actually infinitesimally minuscule events in the grand scheme of things.
There are 138 comments on a thread about whether one guy said the word 'pleb' to another guy.
Our existence on this planet is the equivalent of a single frame in a very long film, or a single dot in a very large painting. And we think this stuff matters. Nuts.
As for time travel, I thought there was a multi-dimension theory that would make it possible to travel in time, but not to the same timeline. Although I may have just seen this on Red Dwarf.
One of the things that's wrong with the world today is that the internet has allowed people to grow up with an inflated sense of their own self-worth - whereby somehow thinking that their crackpot bullshit theories have as much legitimacy as those of people who actually know what they're talking about. Strangely, people are garrulous enough to believe any old shit they read if they quite fancy the idea that it's true - despite not knowing the first thing about the subject at hand.
The great thing about the internet is that everyone can take part; the bad thing about the internet is that everyone does
The biggest problem with time travel is the fact the earth is moving through space. We circle the sun at around 12m/s, the sun itself is moving around the Milky Way, which is in turn moving through space. So if I travel into the future just 1 hour, I'll reappear around 43km away from my current location, which could mean I'm floating in mid-air somewhere or buried deep underground. If I travel back or forward in time any significant amount of time then I could be millions of miles away from the earth.
So even if we could invent a time machine, we'd have to also invent a machine that could either teleport us to any spot in the galaxy, or could travel amazingly fast to get us somewhere near the action once we'd complete out time jump.
If I were you, I'd stick to being just randy, Andy.
The biggest problem with time travel is the fact the earth is moving through space. We circle the sun at around 12m/s, the sun itself is moving around the Milky Way, which is in turn moving through space. So if I travel into the future just 1 hour, I'll reappear around 43km away from my current location, which could mean I'm floating in mid-air somewhere or buried deep underground. If I travel back or forward in time any significant amount of time then I could be millions of miles away from the earth.
So even if we could invent a time machine, we'd have to also invent a machine that could either teleport us to any spot in the galaxy, or could travel amazingly fast to get us somewhere near the action once we'd complete out time jump.
But the time machine, being a vehicle, would be able to travel across a single time zone so it would travel to an open space then make the time jump and move to avoid any objects that are in it's planned destination. Then it would travel to the physical location that is desired in the new time zone.
As for people meddling with time already, we just wouldn't know as all of time would change around us, just like on Back to the Future.
Was just about to post that
You may have noticed the flippant nature of my previous posts on this thread. It is only to balance the utter stupidity of the conspiracy theory and argument.
I'm going to complain to Admin about your abuse.
2) Scientists believe that the Moon has a substantial molten core like the Earth - which could define the Moon as a planet.
3) It can be argued that the Moon actually orbits the Sun, which could define it as a planet.
4) If the Moon was outside the Earth's gravitational pull, it would certainly be defined as a planet.
5) I'm not a scientist and could be talking total bollox.
It wouldn't be the first time.
That, and the fact it's very moon faced. Fact.
I've got video evidence to prove it.
Thus making time travel bollocks...Thanks for that mate...thought I was on my own with that one.
So even if we could invent a time machine, we'd have to also invent a machine that could either teleport us to any spot in the galaxy, or could travel amazingly fast to get us somewhere near the action once we'd complete out time jump.
Our existence on this planet is the equivalent of a single frame in a very long film, or a single dot in a very large painting. And we think this stuff matters. Nuts.
As for time travel, I thought there was a multi-dimension theory that would make it possible to travel in time, but not to the same timeline. Although I may have just seen this on Red Dwarf.
the bad thing about the internet is that everyone does
As for people meddling with time already, we just wouldn't know as all of time would change around us, just like on Back to the Future.
Was it this? I missed it and its not available on ch 5 player