The sooner the better in my book , but i'm no military expert , buts what going to happen over there when our troops pull out , and will it be sustainable?
Sooner the better, the mission has changed and been re-written too many times. Shocking waste of so many lives and the populous of Afghanistan will blindly go back to doing what they were doing before and carry on living their lives in fear of a lot of incredibly violent men who live their lives according to their take on a big book of fairytales
I wonder what they will come home to. Turfed out of the army onto civvy street in the worst recession / economic conditions in living memory. Not suggesting for a minute they should stay in Afghanistan but coming back will be hard and its not like the current government will be replaced by any level of competency after the next election
Sooner the better, the mission has changed and been re-written too many times. Shocking waste of so many lives and the populous of Afghanistan will blindly go back to doing what they were doing before and carry on living their lives in fear of a lot of incredibly violent men who live their lives according to their take on a big book of fairytales
Afghans and Iraqis have said frequently that they felt safer before we intervened than they do now.
Good to see troops coming home to their families though, hopefully Afghanistan recovers some sort of society though. I think it's likely that it will return to a state far worse than what it was before we intervened.
Sooner the better, the mission has changed and been re-written too many times. Shocking waste of so many lives and the populous of Afghanistan will blindly go back to doing what they were doing before and carry on living their lives in fear of a lot of incredibly violent men who live their lives according to their take on a big book of fairytales
Afghans and Iraqis have said frequently that they felt safer before we intervened than they do now.
Good to see troops coming home to their families though, hopefully Afghanistan recovers some sort of society though. I think it's likely that it will return to a state far worse than what it was before we intervened.
When the troops pull out after yet another unsuccessful Afghan 'campaign' ? .. a series of local civil wars (Afghanistan is an invention of colonial powers, in reality the area is inhabited by a multitude of different tribes and clans, rather like pre 1800s USA), followed by assassination of the 'President' and his clique, and an eventual take over by the Taliban or the Moslem Brotherhood and reversion to sharia law and anti Euro/USA policies. Religious fanatics are prepared to draw up plans which take decades to come to fruition. Such plans and schemes, such fanatical devotion to a cause, are very hard, if not impossible to combat
Good to see troops coming home to their families though, hopefully Afghanistan recovers some sort of society though. I think it's likely that it will return to a state far worse than what it was before we intervened.
Just bring them all home now.
No more brave young sons and daughters wasted on this politician's dog's breakfast please.