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Driving home from Watford

I know this isn't relevant to the game but did anyone else see all the police just outside Watford towards the M1?
My brother and friend said they saw a young girl sitting on the railing of an overpass, presumably threatening to jump, my friend said she looked young (early teens)

Anyone see anything? We didn't rush away so would have been about 4... They shut the entire road off going into Watford.. Haven't stopped thinking about it since.


  • Was about 3.40 when we left, didn't see it, although have seen something similar before with a young lad standing past the railing on a motorway bridge all the traffic stopped, couldn't get that out of my mind at the time. Very sad to think that anyone would see that as a solution to their problems.
  • I think when I went by it had only just started because police were just beginning to fully block off the other side of the road, although there were already some near her on the bridge.
  • Great track. Chris Rea wasn't it ?
  • On a sad note, when I got back to the car (parked by the allotments) a guy was laid out following a heart attack. Stayed for 30 minutes while ordinary punters did the "staying alive" (10 mins) and the paramedics for the remainder.

    His middle-aged son was white with shock, and overall WFC stewards did a decent job of managing the situation.

    When the ambulance left I asked one of the crew for an update and they said his heart was beating again - but a machine was doing his breathing for him.

    Maybe, just maybe, the BeeGees and Vinny saved a man's life.

    Fingers crossed.

  • Echo that, Phil.

    We too saw the poor guy but didn't want to hang around & crowd those with him.

    Ambulance arriving as we walked up the road.
  • Saw the cops on the motorway bridge, but they were just standing around chatting when we got there. Hopefully a good job done, because there didn't seem to be any disruption to the motorway traffic.
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