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Players Marks - FA Cup Charlton v Huddersfield

For the few at the Valley today your marks please:

Wright Phillips

Azeez n/a
Jackson n/a


  • Options
    In future I don't see why I should do my usual 160 mile round trip to watch us in the cup when the team and the manager doesn't give a shit. No more .

    Button - 5
    Wilson - 5
    Taylor - 5.5
    Dervite - 4
    Evina - 5.5
    Cook - 2
    Pritchard - 4
    Stephens - 4.5
    Kerkar - 5
    Kermorgant - 6
    Wright Phillips - 5
    Morrison - 6

    No man of the match. No one deserved it.
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    Button 6
    Wilson 6
    Dervitte 5
    Taylor 7
    Evina 6 (better 2nd half)
    Cook 5
    Pritchard 7
    Stephens 6
    Kerkar 4
    Wright-Phillips 5
    Kermorgant 7

    Wright-Phillps didn't look up for it, Cook is a league one player at best and Kerkar just drifts around doing nothing...
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    Wright Phillips:10

    Another exciting cup game ... End to end stuff ... Amazing ! Great performance ... Deserved a win ... Played some proper good football all over the park ... Mugged !

  • Options
    Button 6
    Wilson 6
    Taylor 5.5
    Dervite 4
    Evina 6
    Cook 4.5
    Pritchard 5
    Stephens 6
    Kerkar 5.5
    Kermorgant 6.5
    Wright Phillips 5
    Morrison 6
  • Options
    edited January 2013
    Button 5 - I would be very, very worried if Hamer got an injury
    Wilson - 4
    Taylor - 5
    Dervite - 4
    Evina - 6 probably my MOM
    Cook - 5 didn't think he was as bad as others have said
    Pritchard - 6
    Stephens - 6
    Kerkar - 5
    Kermorgant - 5
    Wright Phillips - 5
    Morrison - 6

    Azeez n/a
    Jackson n/a

    I think if this game tells us anything important about our squad it's that Button isn't yet ready to be our backup, i think we'd be in trouble if we had to use him at Championship level for any number of games.

    Oh, and can we please stop playing Wilson at right back, he's clearly a midfielder - just buy some back up for Solly for goodness sake !
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    SCP 2 out of 10
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    edited January 2013

    In future I don't see why I should do my usual 160 mile round trip to watch us in the cup when the team and the manager doesn't give a shit. No more .

    This, except luckily I only had a 6 mile round trip. If I had a pound for every time I said 'that's it no more cup ties for me' I could afford a seat in the West Stand! Dire and some very disappointing performances :-(

  • Options
    Button - 5
    Wilson - 5
    Taylor - 5
    Dervite - 5
    Evina - 6.5
    Cook - 4
    Pritchard - 5
    Stephens - 5
    Kerkar - 5
    Kermorgant - 4.5
    Wright Phillips - 5.5
    Morrison - 6
  • Options
    Button - 6.5
    Wilson -6
    Taylor - 5.5
    Dervite - 4
    Evina - 6
    Cook - 3
    Pritchard - 5
    Stephens - 5
    Kerkar - 4
    Kermorgant - 4.5
    Wright-Phillips - 4.5
    Morrison - 5.5
  • Options
    Button - 6
    Wilson - 5 not a right back
    Taylor - 5
    Dervite - 4 shocking pull back for the sending off
    Evina - 6
    Cook - 4 couldn't cross a road
    Pritchard - 6
    Stephens - 6
    Kerkar - 3
    Kermorgant - 5
    Wright Phillips - 2 total waste of f*****g space. Useless twat
    Powell - 1 shocking. Should have given azeez more time too
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  • Options
    Button - 5
    Wilson - 5
    Taylor - 5.5
    Dervite - 3
    Evina - 5.5
    Cook - 2
    Pritchard - 3
    Stephens - 4
    Kerkar - 4
    Kermorgant - 5
    Wright Phillips - 4
    Morrison - 6
  • Options
    Button - 5.5
    Wilson - 5
    Taylor - 6
    Dervite - 4
    Evina - 5.5
    Cook - 4
    Pritchard - 6
    Stephens - 5
    Kerkar - 4
    Kermorgant - 6
    Wright-Phillips - 5
  • Options
    Button 7
    Wilson 7
    Taylor 6
    Dervite 5
    Evina 6
    Cook 4
    Pritchard 7
    Stephens 7.5 MoM
    Kerkar 6
    Kermorgant 6
    Wright Phillips 6
    Morrison 6
  • Options
    Cook-3 hope he never plays for us again.
    Wright Phillips-4

  • Options
    Button - 6
    Wilson - 5
    Taylor - 5
    Dervite - 4 complete clown
    Evina - 5
    Cook - 2 and that's being generous. Utter turd
    Pritchard - 3
    Stephens - 4
    Kerkar - 3 please, please stop picking him scp.
    Kermorgant - 5
    Wright Phillips 4 - wouldnt be in the slightest bit bothered if he left. L1 level player.
    Morrison -5.5
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    Cook-3 hope he never plays for us again.

    Little bit harsh.
  • Options
    Button 6
    Wilson 5.5
    Taylor 5.5
    Devite 5
    Evina 5.5
    Cook 5
    Pritchard 6
    Stephens 6.5
    Kerkar 5.5
    Bwp 5.5
    Kermogant 6

    Morrison 5.5
    Azeez 5.5
    Jackson 5.5
  • Options
    Button 7
    Wilson 6
    Taylor 5
    Dervite 4
    Evina 4
    Cook 4
    Pritchard 6
    Stephens 7
    Kerkar 5
    Kermorgant 6
    Wright Phillips 5
    Morrison 6

    Azeez n/a
    Jackson n/a
  • Options
    Button. - 7 one great save
    Wilson. - 6
    Taylor - 7.5 sound
    Dervite - 5 awfull mistake then red
    Evina - 5.5
    Cook - 4
    Pritchard - 6
    Stephens -7
    Kerkar - 4
    Kermorgant. - 5
    Wright Phillips - 3 time to go
    Morrison - 6
  • Options
    Button 7 - cant fault him - promising
    Wilson 5.5 - betterin midfield
    Taylor 5
    Dervite 4.5
    Evina 5
    Cook 4.5
    Pritchard 5
    Stephens 7 - stood out by a mile
    Kerkar 3.5 - was he playing? other than 1 good shot
    Kermorgant 5.5 - outmuscled by the thugs at the back with no protection from the referee
    Wright Phillips 5
    Morrison 6

    Powell got it badly wrong today. Outplayed by a very poor to ordinary side
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    Button 7.5- Kicked well, good save. Thought he was v.good
    Wilson 7- Prefer him at RM
    Taylor 6- Won lots of headers, let Beckford win ball for goal
    Dervite 5- Silly mistake then red.
    Evina 6- Got forward well, got caught out a couple of times
    Cook 4.5- Why ahead of Waggy and Green at RM?
    Pritchard 7- Typical Bradley performance
    Stephens 7.5 - Class above anyone else in red. Just no one else was on his wavelength
    Kerkar 5- Drifts and drifts, never gets stuck in. Fairy
    Kermorgant 6- Not his usual self
    Wright Phillips 4.5- Won a few headers, seemed very uninterested considering his fight for selection.
    Morrison 6- Important block on 85 mins to stop counter attack which looked certain goal to make it 2-0
  • Options
    Button - 6
    Wilson - 6
    Taylor - 6
    Dervite -5
    Evina - 6
    Cook - 4
    Pritchard - 6
    Stephens - 6
    Kerkar - 5
    Kermorgant - 5
    Wright Phillips - 5
    Morrison - 5
  • Options
    Button 5
    Wilson 4
    Taylor 5
    Dervite 2
    Evina 4
    Cook 3
    Pritchard 4
    Stephens 4
    Kerkar 3
    Kermorgant 5
    Wright Phillips 3
    Morrison 5
  • Options
    Nicholas said:

    Button 5
    Wilson 4
    Taylor 5
    Dervite 2
    Evina 4
    Cook 3
    Pritchard 4
    Stephens 4
    Kerkar 3
    Kermorgant 5
    Wright Phillips 3
    Morrison 5

    This, what absolute tosh that mob are. I think any questions of strength in depth have been answered, we don't have any!
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    Button - 6.5: very competent debut and one good first half save
    Wilson - 6: missed his attacking verve further upfield. Did ok against a decent winger, Scannell
    Taylor - 5.5: a bit rusty ( understandably ) and slow for the goal but improved as the game went on
    Dervite - 5: silly error for the sending off and nearly let Huddersfield in during the first half
    Evina - 6
    Cook - 3: out of his depth
    Pritchard - 6
    Stephens - 7: MOM
    Kerkar - 5
    Kermorgant - 4
    Wright Phillips - 4
    Morrison - 6
  • Options
    Button 7
    Wilson 6
    Taylor 6
    Dervite 3.5
    Evina 7
    Cook 5
    Pritchard 5
    Stephens 6.5
    Kerkar 5.5
    Kermorgant 6
    Wright Phillips 4.5
    Morrison 6
  • Options
    Button 7
    Wilson 6
    Taylor 4
    Dervite 4
    Evina 6
    Cook 4
    Pritchard 6
    Stephens 7
    Kerkar 4
    Kermorgant 5
    Wright Phillips 4
    Morrison 7

    What is the point of going to a cup game when CP clearly does not give a damm about the competition or the paying fans, expect even smaller crowds next year, fucking joke.
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    Button 7- 1 good save first half and nice to see a keeper catch the ball as opposed to punching it back to the away team to let them have a second go.kicking not as good as though.
    Wilson 6- dealt reasonably well with Scannell but not as good at right back as right midfield .Shame that he was not played in his best position as we might then have had at least one wide player who would have created something .
    Dervite 3- very disappointing today .Lacking in conviction in the tackle and brute strength in headed challenges.the least said about the incident giving rise to the sending off the better probably .hope that he is not on twatter /facecock latter talking about dinner at the Oxo Tower as that would be extremely imprudent following that display.
    Taylor 4- oh dear ! Too slow for this league and got badly shown up by a premier league reject in a cruel kind of way I was initially relieved to think that it was him that got sent off rather than Dervite - could not see clearly at first - but then the full horror of the incident unfolded including the fact that he will now be playing against Blackpool in a game that matters so much more than today.
    Evina 5- headless chicken / crapped himself for first 15 minutes but settled down after that which seems to be a bit of a pattern with he doesn't rent horror movies on Netflix too often given his nervous disposition .
    Kerkar 2- utter garbage no pace and no end product . Complete fairy and hopeless at closing his man down . An extremely disappointing performance .don't want to see him starting again in a long time.hope that he bought both Green and Waggy a drink in the players bar after the game for depriving them of a start after that rubbish.Also any passing fan who had to witness his crappy effort.In fact I hope that he is now completely skint having to buy drinks for all and sundry after that bollocks.
    Stephens 7- looked like he tried and that he cared,well at least more so than about half a dozen others including Powell.Mightily relieved about that .some things came off for him others didn't .without him we would have looked so much worse.
    Pritchard 6- bit like Wilson in terms of overall performance except that he was playing in his favored position and was not as good as he has been of late.can he really be that jaded as today's game would suggest after the busy Christmas schedule?Prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt.
    Cook 3- for 10 minutes he showed some nice touches and short passing after that he was piss poor .needs to spend a week on the training pitch learning to cross the ball either low and hard or accurately to the far post ,anything but a cross failing to beat the first defender.In this endeavour Kerkar should be allowed no where near him .in fact Kerkar should be made to sit behind the goal on a ball boy's stool wearing a white coned shaped hat with the letter D on it.
    Kermogant 6 battled but not particularly well today.a couple of duff shots when well placed and moaned a lot at other players albeit with a lot of justification today .not completely "merd " but not that good either it has to be said .Prepared also to give him the benefit of the doubt.
    BWP 2 - I make no bones about this : Shit ! A game that he should have embraced as a real opportunity but his touch his shooting his application and in fact his everything was garbage.not prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt and very worried about him playing up front in the absence of Haynes.
    Morrison 7- did what was required of him when he came on and demonstrated strength resilience and solidity.Hope that Dervite was watching rather than poncing about in the players bar sipping a creme de menthe or pastis or something.he would have learned something useful.
    Jackson 7 - gave it a bit of a go as one expects from him but all a bit too late and too desperate by then.
    Azeez 6 - glad that he got a chance as a young promising kid apparently in a game that was already lost and for which he obviously bears no responsibility.that misplaced and under hit square pass with his back to goal easily picked off by their midfield could have been costly but the counter attack came to nothing .he was trying too much and hope that he learns from that.
    Ref 8- thought that he got a lot right today including the sending off . a refreshing change to some of the clowns that we have had recently especially the knob (the one that looked like that crook Robert Maxwell back from his watery grave ) that did the Derby match .welcome back later in the season .
  • Options
    Button 7 Played well
    Wilson 6
    Taylor 6
    Dervite 5
    Evina 6
    Cook 4
    Pritchard 6
    Stephens 7.5 Easily our best outfield player.
    Kerkar 5
    Kermorgant 6
    Wright Phillips 5
    Morrison 6
  • Options
    Button 7
    Wilson 6
    Taylor 5
    Dervite 5
    Evina 6
    Cook 4
    Pritchard 7
    Stephens 7
    Kerkar 6
    Kermorgant 6
    Wright-Phillips 5

    Morrison 6
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