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man of the match!

As if the result and performance wasn't bad enough on the os site their asking for Charlton mom !
Talk about rub salt in the wound!
Why would any one want to re-live and vote
Surely Charlton should keep head down forget it move on?
Or is it just me still bitter n twisted from sat?


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    can you tick a "n/a" box?
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    They weren't all terrible, Evina & Stephens were ok I thought and others have praised Button.

    I think we're in danger of going a wee bit over the top about Saturday's performance on this site. It was a long way off acceptable but we've seem much, much worse over the last few seasons.
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    We may have seen worse over the years but thought we had moved onwards and upwards and away from the hoof it drival?
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    Indeed but not quite sure it was at the standard where literally every player on our team was so utterly dire that not one of them deserved any sort of praise whatsoever.
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    Sounded dire and since i was not there, might be wrong but does seem a little like CP is getting 20 years of anger on him that has been building ever since Curbs, something needs to change in the clubs mindset towards cups but lets not make Chrissy out to be the only culprit.

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    I think the fact that they actually ask for MOM could be construed as piss taking, but didnt see the game so cannot vote or comment,
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