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This Season - What appears to be a Learning Curve

As ardent Charlton supporters all of us are frustrated at our position and team performances this year, especially at home. Living abroad now I get to see limited matches, my last being home matches last year v Middes 1 - 4 and Cardiff 5- 4.
I am personally now after watching these games and listening each week to matches on CPlayer (plus watching match highlights) and reading all comments on Charlton Life, have come to the conclusion that, after last season spectacular performance, simple as a club and a Managerial Team, we are on a down to earth learning curve.
There is in my opinion a marked difference in the quality of teams in the Championship as opposed to League 1. Someione stated that last season we played against teams with one ot two quality players, this year most teams have some where around 8 quality players. This I now agree with.
CP and his fellow managemernt team are doing their best looking at the right combination(s) in terms of team selection, and being loyal to those that put in good shifts last season. it would appear that so far this season their best is not doining the trick.
At this stage I would also just mention that the Senior Managerial set up and finances are perhaps also playing there part. Also, too many loan players that come and go do not help.
In summary CP to me is one of the most promising new managers on the block so to speak. But he and his staff are on a learning curve this season, which my well go through next season also. Thats OK with me. Because in the end whether the learning curve takes a little longer than we woiuld wish, at the end of the day we will have one of the best managers in the English game today.
So as frustrated as I am with our perfomances the season todate I am also very happy that we haver CP in charge, and for one am quetly confident that we will as a club get it right.
In life in general when things are not going to plan knowing you have the support, appreciation and understanding around you, it means a lot to your own personal beliefs and confidence.
We as Charlton supporters need now to get behind CP and then in the fiullness of time share in his and the teams success, as indeed we did last term.
As they say in "Star Wars" may the force be with CP.


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    We have go to learn one lesson - how to play at home at this level. When you look at our away form, it is up there with the best of them. When we play the better sides at the Valley we give a good account of ourselves- probably because we are in essense a counter attacking side. When we play the middling to poor sides, we find it more of a struggle. I think Fuller and Haynes are a key combo for us at home but unfortunately they are injured more than not.
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    What's [ that all about

    More than happy with our current position, admittedly the performances have not been great but the points tally is what matters and for us at this moment in time we're doing well
    And we didn't lose to the scum ! (Yet)
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    Good post Peter.
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    I agree with you Peter, and I'm sure there will be many more here too who will agree. We all just have to hope that in the Boardroom they take the same balanced view as you do.
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    Agreed loving having SCP as manager and happy to wait as many seasons as needed for him to keep learning and hopefully lead us back to the top division when the time come's.
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    Well said Peter, I've been reading people's posts for the last few days, and thinking do you know what, this is Chris Powells first season at the helm in the Chamionship he's going to make mistakes, cut the guy some slack and get behind him.

    I'm sure Chris knows by now , who is good enough at this level, and who was good at League 1 level, but isn't quite up to the required Championship squad.

    Yes some of our signings have not worked out , namely Kerkar and Cook, for whatever reason , and some of our strikers are talented, but just can't stay fit, but like you I hope our owners have a bit more long term vision.

    It's been said on other threads and I agree with it is part of the reason we are so pants at home is that our midfield is too weak, be it in the middle or on the flanks, we have few players that can play well ... Consistently.

    I'm sure Chris is fully aware of this, I hope our owners can see this, there is a big step up from League one IMO, and with with hindsight the squad isn't good enough if we want to get anywhere in this division.

    A regular fit goal scorer, wingers that can beat people and whip in a decent cross, and a general in midfield that refuses to be beaten would help this team a lot.

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    Some good posts here and agree in the main.

    Certainly agree with Muttleys opening sentence as the main thing Powell needs to focus and improve on.
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    It is a learning curve but I think we are doing fine this season. We are only the same number of points off the relegation zone as we are the playoffs and if we keep our form pattern from the start of the season we will be ok.
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    Good post Peter. It would be lunacy if CP was replaced as manager. He is Charlton through and through and he has already proved what he can do with the right backing. Now all he needs is for that to continue from the Board. Rome wasn't built in a day as they say.
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    Agree that Powell must be given time to grow as a manager. He is a fine representative of the club with bags of talent. Every manager needs to gain experience somewhere - I'm glad it's with us.

    Disagree that it's not doing the trick this season however. As a promoted team with limited investment I think he has done a sterling job so far this term
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    Hi Guys
    Thanks for your kind replies to my post. Its not a case of anyone not doing the trick its just that its a case of a different league and adjusting to it, along with asssessment of the squad, tactics etc etc. Above my pay grade as they say to comment further. Feel that if we had a few more points and say 5 positions higher all would be considered OK by more than most, certainly me. I have a funny feeeling the remainder of the season being some 20 games will see as start to turn the corner and see us in a comfortable position come May. With the knowledge that our Team Management Team are a bit older and wiser. One last point, when I see the managers in the Championsip that have lost their jobs so far this season, especially Sean O'Drisccoll at Notts Forest, it show how careful one must be with foreign owners buying the club. They buy the assests, the soul of the club, but do not understand where the "Heart "of the club is and that its not a coffee league where you can have "instant" results.
    Heres looking at CP and his Team to stay at The Helm for sometrime yet.

    Best wishes to all.
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