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This just looks wrong!

Huds game on sat.


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    edited January 2013
    Ronnie Jackson in the North East Q
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    Will look even worse next year after that shite performence.
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    someone's sitting in my seat.
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    JT said:

    Ronnie Jackson in the North East Q

    Bit depressing though, this.
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    Thats me getting told off for having the audacity to make people get up when i wanted to go for a pint 5 mins before half time.
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    Well at least nobody could sit in my seat!
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    Really with FA Cup matches they should have free coupons in the back of season tickets like at Arsenal. As well as that for match day tickets say something like you get a free FA Cup ticket if you purchase a ticket for Blackpool next week in the league. That should drive up both attendances.
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    More should be done,season tickets in free maybe,when crowds are low?

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    Really with FA Cup matches they should have free coupons in the back of season tickets like at Arsenal. As well as that for match day tickets say something like you get a free FA Cup ticket if you purchase a ticket for Blackpool next week in the league. That should drive up both attendances.

    Airman explained on another thread why that is I possible.
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    Really with FA Cup matches they should have free coupons in the back of season tickets like at Arsenal. As well as that for match day tickets say something like you get a free FA Cup ticket if you purchase a ticket for Blackpool next week in the league. That should drive up both attendances.

    Problem with that is that the teams need to agree on a price for the tickets as both teams share the profits from the gate (and FA take a slice i believe). If thrown in free with season tickets that 'fee' would come of the cost of EVERY season ticket when we get drawn at home, not only those present for the match. Also the club would need to open all stands as your ticket could be anywhere in the stadium thus increasing management costs.

    If we could guarantee that every season ticket holder would turn up then it would be great to do it this way, but I don't think it would happen.
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    Interesting idea. Still not sure if I can stomach returning for the FA cup next year, maybe we will get a decent juicy home tie!
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    In a Spurs season ticket you get a free ticket to the first Cup game - that's before they even know who the opponents are. It's been a Euro tie in recent years, but if they don't qualify then it's FAC.

    Up the price of all our ST's by £20 and include the Cup match.
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    Why not make the stand smaller?
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    In a Spurs season ticket you get a free ticket to the first Cup game - that's before they even know who the opponents are. It's been a Euro tie in recent years, but if they don't qualify then it's FAC.

    Up the price of all our ST's by £20 and include the Cup match.

    That would have been ok if all our cup games were at home. What happends if we get an away tie and had no cup ties at home this season?
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    A self-fulfilling prophecy really. People don't expect us to do well, but how can we expect the team to be up for it if we're not? A strategy needs to be found to get the fans in, we've rarely been in need of a decent cup run more than the last couple of years!
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    In a Spurs season ticket you get a free ticket to the first Cup game - that's before they even know who the opponents are. It's been a Euro tie in recent years, but if they don't qualify then it's FAC.

    Up the price of all our ST's by £20 and include the Cup match.

    Would the League Cup not normally be the first cup game ?
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