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OS- What a mess

Just wondered if anyone else has problems viewing the OS when using firefox (as I do)?

Everything is all over the place, overlapping and all down the left hand side, making the page about a mile long.

My brother (who happens to be a web designer) says this is an easily solved problem but been like it for about 4 weeks now. Tried it on chrome and IE and seems to work fine.

Just think that, for the first place many people would go to look at anything Charlton, they might have sorted this pretty sharpish........................

For those not knowing what I'm talking about, here's a couple of screenshots.



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    It's almost unusable from Chrome on my mobile as well.
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    I think it is just a mess in general, no matter what browser you use
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    Sometimes these things are caused by browser cache. Try clearing it.
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    Yep - rubbish on Safari. I just think it's very badly designed, certainly no improvement on what we had before where you could find most things fairly logically. Move the cursor and whatever you head for disappears. That's why I have stopped visiting it..
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    Always have trouble viewing it. Horrible design
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    Can't even remember the last time I used it.
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    Can I add IE8, android and safari on ipad to the list? I was trying to find the fixture list the other day, would have been quicker to wait for the games to take place.
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    I think it's too hard to navigate round and it just frustrates me. I tend to just get all the latest info from the cafc twitter account. Just as good, if not better.
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    All ok with Firefox here
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    The site is a mess from top to bottom, whether it's a bug or a design issue. Sometimes in Safari on the iPhone/ Pad, you can't close the splash screen! You get stuck on it and have to Google another page and hope you don't get the splash screen again. The fact that splash screens were supposed to die out a decade ago is another point entirely!

    I think I'm right in saying we are part of a group of sites, as in, lots of clubs using this company to do their web stuff for them? I'm assuming the club feel it's only worth a certain level of investment which is fair enough.

    The worst issue is over the site's relationship with CAFC player, which was designed by blind men in 1973 from what I can tell. The user journeys are had to fathom, but the design is so awkward that once you get to CAFC Player, you wish you never had.
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    CP out.
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    I preferred last season's website to this season's. I don't think the font we've chosen is very nice either, when you compare with other websites using the same templates. I picked a club at random (Huddersfield) to compare this.
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    I preferred last season's website to this season's. I don't think the font we've chosen is very nice either, when you compare with other websites using the same templates. I picked a club at random (Huddersfield) to compare this.

    I just took a look at Hudds one and found I have the same problem as I do with ours. Must be me then....................
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    Long since gave up on the OS . Utter rubbish.
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    We can't afford grass so the website is way bottom of the list.
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    edited February 2013
    Now rarely use OS.

    Horrible layout.


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    Haven't used the OS since they got rid of the original site, all the latest info is available in other places ...and quicker
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    Who needs the os when u here it first on c-life
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    Bad structure, layout and design.

    There's A LOT wrong with it from a development side as well.

    I don't thinks its had a thorough cross browser test.

    But, the club gets paid to use this template.

    For a decent web agency (not a guy in his bedroom) to develop a site fit for purpose and unique, the minimum you'd be looking at is at least £40,000

    And that would be a really, really cheap deal.
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    £40k. That's scandalous.

    Having said that if there are 40
    Clubs in the football league using it it works out at £1k for each club. Over a ten month season that's only £100 a month and at £5 a month for the crappy commentary each club would only need 20 subscribers to pay for it.

    I still think that at £40k to design a site you'd expect that chap doing it to come to the meeting wearing a handkerchief over his nose and mouth and insist on being called Mr Turpin!
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    I preferred last season's website to this season's. I don't think the font we've chosen is very nice either, when you compare with other websites using the same templates. I picked a club at random (Huddersfield) to compare this.

    I just took a look at Hudds one and found I have the same problem as I do with ours. Must be me then....................
    I think your issues are with the basic design and programming, which presumably is common to all these rubbish shared websites. Ours (IMHO) has particularly lousy fonts and colour schemes as well.

    The amateurish website does rather contrast with our very impressive big screen, and the very slick graphics and presentation on it (presumably by Breamteam?)
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    I haven't used the web site more than 3 times this season. I hate it with a passion .
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    £40k. That's scandalous.

    Having said that if there are 40
    Clubs in the football league using it it works out at £1k for each club. Over a ten month season that's only £100 a month and at £5 a month for the crappy commentary each club would only need 20 subscribers to pay for it.

    I still think that at £40k to design a site you'd expect that chap doing it to come to the meeting wearing a handkerchief over his nose and mouth and insist on being called Mr Turpin!

    You obviously don't understand the work that goes into a website!
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    this template seems to be being widely used by most of the clubs now, if you go on most of the other clubs sites the front page opens up the same and apart from how they have the inside pages structured the menus seem similar as do the drop downs, certainly looks as though one web design outfit has managed a league sell through and at handsome money I bet!!! ...perhaps they need to offer some ongoing support
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    Don't even think of complaining as I know the background on the website......

    You see the site forms part of a former BBC local radio franchise that was sub-let to the Football League on a bandwidth buy-back deal but this was subsequently bought out of administration by an Istanbul based kebab shop chain (Koc Sausage Holding) who asked a certain Peter Funch to oversee the club content.

    Student web designer Lewis Nerd agreed to design the site for only £876,000 as he was once offered a job by Arsenal selling lottery tickets and (coincidentally) was the nephew of Charlton's head of communications, Mike Mute, so ideally qualified. Not only had Nerd been to the Emirates Stadium twice but was also studying knitting pattern book culture as part of his diploma in futility at the University of South-East Aberdeen- so naturally there was only one candidate for the job.

    This meant popular and loyal club stalwart Funchy had to travel to Aberdeen at his own expense every week-end to support Nerd finish the site and was often forced to sit naked in the Scottish snow for hours on end at his own expense as part of this painful sacrifice.

    Nerd would keep adding pages about knitting, Scottish culture (not many pages on that obviously) and his uncle Mike while Funchy would valiantly wrestle naked with him for hours in the snow to get him back on track.

    Club head of communications Mike Mute said in statement "Anyone who insinuates that the club website is crap or has any other criticisms of the regime (sorry club) is clearly making a direct and violent attack on a naked club stalwart with hypothermia doing his best against all the odds to keep this club afloat. These type of terrorist threats will not be tolerated at a family club like Charlton and offenders will be shot at dawn (sorry banned for life). Those traitors (sorry paying supporters) who insist on making these unjustified complaints must make an online appointment via the cub website (which has crashed) to see Stan, the assistant lavatory attendant in the North-West quadrant, who sadly passed away in March 2007".

    (Deja-vu and no offence intended to PF who does a great job or Nerd who is clearly made up- who wouldn't be?)

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    Thanks for clearing that up so eruditely Grumpy

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    It's easier to navigate my sunday league sides page than the os.
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    I don't bother with the OS either it's bloody horrible.
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    We had a rather good website, but it cost too much to run. And that was at the tail end of the good old days.
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    edited February 2013
    Worst sports website ever. I don't bother using it anymore.

    A Pitchero one would be better and that's damning.
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