Those whose memory goes back thirty years will remember this one by West German goalkeeper Harald Schumaker on Battiston in the 1982 World Cup. Arguably the worst foul not to result in a free kick.
FIFA seem intent on censoring this sort of match highlight so the only available video is this French one.
Those whose memory goes back thirty years will remember this one by West German goalkeeper Harald Schumaker on Battiston in the 1982 World Cup. Arguably the worst foul not to result in a free kick.
FIFA seem intent on censoring this sort of match highlight so the only available video is this French one.
Remember watching this as a nine year old and realising that was a shitty challenge. Thought he'd killed him for a bit!
Those whose memory goes back thirty years will remember this one by West German goalkeeper Harald Schumaker on Battiston in the 1982 World Cup. Arguably the worst foul not to result in a free kick.
FIFA seem intent on censoring this sort of match highlight so the only available video is this French one.
Remember watching this as a nine year old and realising that was a shitty challenge. Thought he'd killed him for a bit!
When I think of the worst I always think back to this one.
Can do without this type of supporter.
The diver swims for Aarhus.
love how the other blokes teammates dont even bother seeing if he's alright.
FIFA seem intent on censoring this sort of match highlight so the only available video is this French one.