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Peterborough Away

Half day booked off work, cheap train tickets booked up so two things;

1) How many do you reckon we will take?

2) Is there a good away pub near the ground?


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    What date ?
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    5 March. If we don't take 3000, I'll be disappointed
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    5 March. If we don't take 3000, I'll be disappointed

    Blimey , we're not making a film are we?

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    Most will be put off now.
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    Oops just realised , the film was called 300 , yep thats more like it!
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    Hope they stay up, one the best away days in the league.

    45 mins from London on the train and a proper terrace too.
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    Was thinking it's a easy away game to make on a tues night...and we have been looking good away from home.

    And it's standing! Surely we will take 1.5k??

    If anyone has been before, do they know any good boozers?
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    Beforehand lot of us were in the Yates/Lloyds on the high street last time (about 10 minutes walk from the ground), then I think a fair few went to a boat-pub afterwards.

    One of my top away days that was, brilliant all round.
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    Peterborough - scene of Parky's finest hour as Charlton Athletic manager!
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    The boat pub is called checkers I think. Not a bad pub and a decent away day, I'd hope for 1500 to go as the atmosphere on the terrace is pretty good.
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    Also if I read correctly, the last season before Peterborough redevelop the away end (if they stay in the championship). Make the most of the terrace while it's there!
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    5 March. If we don't take 3000, I'll be disappointed

    On a Tuesday night? No chance. I'm going though!
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    edited February 2013
    If you like something a little different try Charters, which is a pub on a barge. I went there last time. It does good food & drink. If I was going this time, that's where I'd be heading, without a shadow of doubt. See the link. The photo of the barge doesn't do it justice imo, it's more impressive inside & as you can see from the map, it's only a 10 min walk from the ground.
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    edited February 2013
    Is there an easy way to get there from Colchester, does anyone know?

    OH YES, train via Ipswich! Get in. I'm going if there's a decent return.
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    edited February 2013

    If you like something a little different try Charters, which is a pub on a barge.

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    It's three stops on the train for me so I'm looking forward to this one. If its half as good as our last visit to London Rd then we are in for a treat .
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    We're a Category B match and a 19:45 kick off, right?

    -Adults £23, Over 60's/Students £13, Under 16's £12
    Standing Terrace:
    -Adults £20, Over 60's/Students £13, Under 16's £10

    I can get return tickets on the train for a tenner too. The last return (for me) leaves Peterboro at 21:45 which is a bit of a problem... Taxi maybe? Too tight to get back from the ground do you think?
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    Gutted this is a Tuesday cos if this was a Saturday I'd be there like a shot. Just for a chance of a bit of terrace time would be nice.
    Peterborough away is also the most pissed I've been at a Charlton game. Pitched up in the Seven Stars and mixed way too much lager, Newcastle Brown and Southern Comfort. All I can remember about the game is Garry Nelson scored the winner and some dirty bastard spat on my back on the walk through town. Still had wobbly legs by the time I got back to York.
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    Callum, given that our games always finish excessively late then I think you'd have to leave before the end. Is a 15 minute walk to the station from what I remember, a taxi wouldn't help a great deal and they probably wouldn't be able to park right by the ground.
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    edited February 2013
    I wanted to go to this but it's too much grief getting there and back after work
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    Hm thanks RedPanda, it's a tough one.
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    I'm there, got to catch that last train back to. Two of us going are fit enough for a decent pace jog if need be. Might try that barge pub for hand as get up there about 17.30.
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    That is definitely too tight to make the 21.45 train ...... Would have to miss a decent chunk of the game
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    Great ground and town real shame this wasn't a sat! Remember driving up n down the main road with valley floyd road blasting out from the car watching very pissed off borough fans going home,yep parkys finest hour indeed.
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    Will anyone be drinking in Kings X before getting the train?
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    If you like something a little different try Charters, which is a pub on a barge. I went there last time. It does good food & drink. If I was going this time, that's where I'd be heading, without a shadow of doubt. See the link. The photo of the barge doesn't do it justice imo, it's more impressive inside & as you can see from the map, it's only a 10 min walk from the ground.

    Not being funny but I'm not planning on going on a date...not with my mate and old man anyway!

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    1) About 1400 my guess.
    2) Plenty of pubs yes.
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    Cracking old skool terrace at Peterborough.

    Callum, ask on here nearer the time, someone might be driving from Colchester way
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    Peterborough away seems one ground alas i'm destined not to make , i haven't got the time off left to make this one, & i was all set to go to the famous 5-1 Away victory , but alas was stricken down with a feverish bout of manflu, my 2 lads have reminded me incessantly that i ducked out of it.
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    That 5-1 was an unbelievable day out. Couldn't believe my eyes, 4-0 up at half time!
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