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Leicester away?

How many do you reckon we will take? Who's going?


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    300 Not me
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    I'm going. Doubt many will make the trip though. A shame because if it was a weekend game it would be a fairly convenient one to get to. Just a real nightmare getting back from there at that time of night on public transport.
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    Has the Tuesday or Wednesday been confirmed yet?
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    not attending owing to it being a midweek, i think this season some of the midweeks have been unfortunate leeds, derby, leicester, brighton and peterborough some of the best aways on the league
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    RedPanda said:

    Has the Tuesday or Wednesday been confirmed yet?

    Depends on the game on the 12th between Leicester and Huddersfield
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    Was thinking about going to Hull, spending a few days kicking about oop north somewhere, then pootling back to Leicester, but the stupid possibility of a date move means I'm just not going to bother going to either.
    Still, saves £100 on tickets plus hotels and fuel so probably best all round. (Although my lack of expenditure on VAT and fuel duty will no doubt increase govt borrowing again.)
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    want to but worried can't get back to Sevenoaks by 12.30am for the last train to Battle.
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    Definitely going with at least 6 other NWKers.
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    Would like to go, spesh to give Yann , or 'Special K' as i now call him a bit of extra support , Palace away has dampened my fuse though , what with my dodgy knee and all , might buy a mobility scooter to get up there , trouble is i'd have to leave in about 10 minutes to get there.
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    If it's on the Tuesday I will go, if it's on the Wednesday I'm 50/50 at the moment.
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    Definitely going with at least 6 other NWKers.

    why did I read that as wankers?

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    Definitely going with at least 6 other NWKers.

    why did I read that as wankers?

    You are just too shrewd, Large !

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    might buy a mobility scooter to get up there

    are you fat enough to deserve one though?

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    yep 2 of us going...may have to leave a little early to sprint back for the last train!

    Just hope they dont move the day!
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    Yes, going up but haven't decided on driving or getting the coach.
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    csr_cafc said:

    yep 2 of us going...may have to leave a little early to sprint back for the last train!

    Just hope they dont move the day!

    No worries, mate

    Tuesday will always be Tuesday and the following one will always be Wednesday.

    Even the EUrocrats can't meddle with that one 1

    Or can they...?

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    EU want a return to the French revolution calender which had 10 days a week.

    Weekends would be 4 days long
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    The last time I went to Leicester away was the day England won the Rugby World Cup in 2003.
    Watched the game in a pub in Kings Cross - absolutely plastered by 8am.
    I remember staggering onto the train clutching a carry out bag with about 10 cans of lager along with many other addicks. The families using the train seemed very worried.
    I remember drinking in a pub before the game and then nada, zilch.
    So although I have been to their new(ish) ground I can't really tick it off.
    Did we win?
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    edited February 2013
    Huskaris said:

    Depends on the game on the 12th between Leicester and Huddersfield

    Cheers, pretty crap it's only decided 7 days prior. Not sure I can get time off that late notice, may have to take two halves for Peterborough instead then have a few drinks.

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    iainment said:

    The last time I went to Leicester away was the day England won the Rugby World Cup in 2003.
    Watched the game in a pub in Kings Cross - absolutely plastered by 8am.
    I remember staggering onto the train clutching a carry out bag with about 10 cans of lager along with many other addicks. The families using the train seemed very worried.
    I remember drinking in a pub before the game and then nada, zilch.
    So although I have been to their new(ish) ground I can't really tick it off.
    Did we win?

    We did similar. That also explains why I know I've been to the new ground, but can't really remember it.
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    I'll be there.

    Visit son at Loughborough, get on it, watch the game with boy and then lift home from Henry.

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    Brunello said:

    I'll be there.

    Visit son at Loughborough, get on it, watch the game with boy and then lift home from Henry.


    Happy to help out one of our older fans.

    Do you live near me?
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    I used to love going Filbert Street.
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    me and mrs shep will be there!
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    Brunello said:

    I'll be there.

    Visit son at Loughborough, get on it, watch the game with boy and then lift home from Henry.


    Happy to help out one of our older fans.

    Do you live near me?
    There was me thinking we were the same age.

    Yes I do live sort of near, of course, just with a better postcode.

    I was only kidding about the lift as I will be frequenting a local hostelry for the evening.

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    Brunello said:

    Brunello said:

    I'll be there.

    Visit son at Loughborough, get on it, watch the game with boy and then lift home from Henry.


    Happy to help out one of our older fans.

    Do you live near me?
    There was me thinking we were the same age.

    Yes I do live sort of near, of course, just with a better postcode.

    I was only kidding about the lift as I will be frequenting a local hostelry for the evening.

    Almost the same age but not quite : - )

    Bloody post code snob. Glad I don't have to share a car with you now!

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    iainment said:

    The last time I went to Leicester away was the day England won the Rugby World Cup in 2003.
    Watched the game in a pub in Kings Cross - absolutely plastered by 8am.
    I remember staggering onto the train clutching a carry out bag with about 10 cans of lager along with many other addicks. The families using the train seemed very worried.
    I remember drinking in a pub before the game and then nada, zilch.
    So although I have been to their new(ish) ground I can't really tick it off.
    Did we win?

    Done similar that day. No recollection of result either
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    Not for me, last time I went Leicester last season to see Leicester V Cardiff, after Chesterfield got called off 5 minutes after we got on the train.
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    might buy a mobility scooter to get up there

    are you fat enough to deserve one though?

    Nope , but i like the cut of their gib.
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    The seven day notice is certainly a pain could do without. Already changed shifts so I could go on the tuesday, not sure if work will be pleased for me to change again.
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