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Addicks midfielder Andy Hughes will be co-commentating on Saturday's clash with Birmingham City

The club is constantly exploring ways to improve the Charlton live player service for its subscribers – with the improvement of match day coverage the latest item to be discussed.
Could be an interesting improvement.



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    always appreciated Steve Brown, so looking forward to hearing Andy. Good work!
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    Mind you they can't talk about 'improving' the service if we are being inflicted with Emma Jones again after a year or so when they made sure she didnt appear. Andy said he was back in the squad today
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    BBC QPR..erm I mean London (i think) on DAB and FM, nice one Auntie, using all your resources wisely again........
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    Absolute disaster. I don't care how nice a bloke he may be, he shouldn't be let loose on the microphone. The two of them are talking at the same time. I've switched to the Birmingham commentary and put another black mark in my book against subscribing next season.
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    Disagree, my favourite commentary of the season but then i really like their more fun approach to it, not for everyone but more then one way to see it.

    Im not struggling to understand what is going on in the game and it's making me smile/laugh.
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    Disagree, my favourite commentary of the season but then i really like their more fun approach to it, not for everyone but more then one way to see it.

    Im not struggling to understand what is going on in the game and it's making me smile/laugh.

    But as you said on the other thread, you're at work, and perhaps not in a position to listen to anything that describes things in detail anyway.
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    It's been better than jamie reed. At least when Hughes is chatting he's talking about Charlton and things that go on at the training ground and not how hot his coffee is.

    Emma is still pretty crap though. If only we could have that northern none every week.
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    Yep much much better than Read who must never be allowed near a Charlton Player microphone again - Emma's voice grates, Andy is all over the place - but no irritating in-jokes and although there's loads of waffle at least its interesting waffle
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    Disagree, my favourite commentary of the season but then i really like their more fun approach to it, not for everyone but more then one way to see it.

    Im not struggling to understand what is going on in the game and it's making me smile/laugh.

    But as you said on the other thread, you're at work, and perhaps not in a position to listen to anything that describes things in detail anyway.
    When i say at work i mean in my studio by myself, so sure im not just sitting listening to the commentary but i don't have any other noise around me.
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    Good and bad. I actually think Emma has been much improved in her games this season. The wild card in this game is Hughes. I like his passion and the insight into behind the scenes at the training ground but he is shouting over Emma and stopping her from getting on with her job. As a one off it's a worthwhile experiment.
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    I wish he'd shut up a bit. I'm feeling unwell, hence not being there and listening instead, they are not making it an enjoyable experience.
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    johnny73 said:

    Good and bad. I actually think Emma has been much improved in her games this season. The wild card in this game is Hughes. I like his passion and the insight into behind the scenes at the training ground but he is shouting over Emma and stopping her from getting on with her job. As a one off it's a worthwhile experiment.

    He's done alright for a first attempt. He was taking over her a lot but he was also able to tell us something was happening as it was happening, rather than thirty seconds later. He can also speak a whole sentence in one go instead of having to pause after every third word.

    Think he should do some more of this. Hell probably be quite good with some constructive feedback and a bit of practice.
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    johnny73 said:

    Good and bad. I actually think Emma has been much improved in her games this season. The wild card in this game is Hughes. I like his passion and the insight into behind the scenes at the training ground but he is shouting over Emma and stopping her from getting on with her job. As a one off it's a worthwhile experiment.

    He's done alright for a first attempt. He was taking over her a lot but he was also able to tell us something was happening as it was happening, rather than thirty seconds later. He can also speak a whole sentence in one go instead of having to pause after every third word.

    Think he should do some more of this. Hell probably be quite good with some constructive feedback and a bit of practice.
    and a better more knowledgeable/authoritative commentator alongside him...
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    edited February 2013
    At the start i quite liked it but after about 30 minutes I switched to the Brum radio commentary. It got a bit much and i couldn't follow what was going on in the game or get a feel of the ebb and flow. All in all, today wasn't a good day what with the commentary and the last minute equalizer
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    Rob said:

    At the start i quite liked it but after about 30 minutes I switched to the Brum radio commentary. It got a bit much and i couldn't follow what was going on in the game or get a feel of the ebb and flow. All in all, today wasn't a good day what with the commentary and the last minute equalizer

    Agree with all that (except I didnt switch, because occasionally Hughes threw interesting things in, but quite at random )

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    I enjoyed his contributions but if he's going to do more of it he needs to understand the difference between 'Commentator' and 'Summariser'.
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    Disagree, my favourite commentary of the season but then i really like their more fun approach to it, not for everyone but more then one way to see it.

    Im not struggling to understand what is going on in the game and it's making me smile/laugh.

    Agree - the best commentary of the season. Andy's insight into the pre - match talk and his glowing praise for C.P. with training ground talk made very good listening. I'd forgive him for his over enthusiasm when we nearly scored.

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    So, what were the interesting things he came out with then?
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    Stig said:

    So, what were the interesting things he came out with then?

    I can’t quote him exactly but he talked about Dale Stephens being the most technically gifted players at the club who would play at the highest level. He was full of praise for Chris Powell, apparently Chris makes a point of knowing all the players wives children etc. No sulkers at the club by players not in the squad. Great bunch of lads.

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    I enjoyed his contributions but if he's going to do more of it he needs to understand the difference between 'Commentator' and 'Summariser'.

    And letting someone else into the conversation/commentating - must admit, like quite a few on here, i had enough after about 20 mins when i realised all i was going to hear was his Northern twatty voice over everything else.
    A good try, but please, never again.
    Player delay was also bad on saturday- knew Brum had equalised via Sky, and got it on Player about 2 minutes later.

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    Stig said:

    So, what were the interesting things he came out with then?

    I can’t quote him exactly but he talked about Dale Stephens being the most technically gifted players at the club who would play at the highest level. He was full of praise for Chris Powell, apparently Chris makes a point of knowing all the players wives children etc. No sulkers at the club by players not in the squad. Great bunch of lads.

    Ah, the old Alan Pardew approach
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    Stig said:

    So, what were the interesting things he came out with then?

    I can’t quote him exactly but he talked about Dale Stephens being the most technically gifted players at the club who would play at the highest level. He was full of praise for Chris Powell, apparently Chris makes a point of knowing all the players wives children etc. No sulkers at the club by players not in the squad. Great bunch of lads.
    Excellent. That's good to know. Cheers John.
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    What did he have to say when the Brum equaliser went in?
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    All I remember was being incredibly impressed by his positivity straight after the final whistle. I wish there was a recording of it somewhere. I really understood, listening to that, how pivotal his input to the spirit of the squad must be. Sounds a bit cheesy but it's stuck in my memory.
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    Agreed first thing he said after they scored was about how good we had played from my memory.
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    All I remember was being incredibly impressed by his positivity straight after the final whistle. I wish there was a recording of it somewhere. I really understood, listening to that, how pivotal his input to the spirit of the squad must be. Sounds a bit cheesy but it's stuck in my memory.

    <C.P. stated A.H. played an important part in last years promotion. As he only played a handful of games it must be assumed he contributed lots off the pitch.
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    Chris Powell stated Andy Hughes played an important roll last season. As Andy played only a handful of games, I assume Chris was refering to his presence in the dressing room or training field.
    His enthusiasm is very infectous.
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    You can listen to highlights of Andy Hughes on cafc player.
    well worth a listen
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    Do you think. I listened to one clip that was posted on twitter and thought it awful. he shouted right over Emma, tho in the end let her describe the goal. When she stopped her part and when he started then that was fine.
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    listening to a clip on CAFC player now is funny & yes he was a first rate mentalist commentary wise, but trying to follow it live when both of them were talking caterwauling over each other was nigh on impossible!!
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