I just watched (no sound) the end of a game between DENver and PORtland. I don't think I have ever really bothered watching a game before and admit to knowing nothing about it.
Odd game - the last 15 seconds took about 5 minutes to play out and the margin between win and defeat is minimal.
A score like 111 v 109 after (I imagine 2 hours of play) doesn't show a real difference between the teams does it.
Also, when you score the opposition then re starts the game about 10 foot from your own goal / hoop.
nba is very exciting especially playoffs, if you want to get into it more I recommend you watch Miami, clippers, spurs, Oklahoma and New York as they are the in form teams at the moment.
It's not like getting smashed at home 2-0 is it ?
Edit - I don't want to get into it more (by the way)
Just interested.
You agreed with someone AND you wasn't impolite !
Do one MOG - you'd have been a brilliant basketball player as it happens
Then a player came on who has recently changed his second name to "World Peace", and I just thought 'sod this' and turned it off.
Agree about the end of a game though, if it's close then the last couple of minutes can take about 10-15 minutes with all the time outs and fouls to stop the clock.
Quite ironic really as he was banned for 86 games in 2004 for a on court fight. It's the biggest ever suspension in NBA history.
There's plenty of elements in NBA that football should learn from. Treatment of the refs, use of video replays, zero-tolerance of 'fights' breaking out and stuff.
Artest is a nutcase, ended up losing about 4-5m in wages because of that fight. Half the team was banned and a couple of fans were even sent to prison
Go down one end , score,go down the other end , score, then down the other end, score, then 10 mins of ads and 5 mins to play the last 15 seconds - and people moan they dont want goal-line technology in football or DRS in cricket because it slows the game down !!!!!!
How can watching athletes like Michael Jordan or LeBron James be boring? Dear me.
By the way, Metta World Peace aka Ron Artest is a proper nutcase. He's Joey Barton/Eric Cantona rolled into one.
They had Michael Jordan picture on Pointless the other day as 'famous baldies' - he had lowest score with 5 points (so, only 5 people out of 100 knew him), i think, - nuff said.
You dont highlight any reasons why its not boring.
And one of my absolute favorite players from the past, Scottie Pippen
I respect people's opinion about the sport - in my opinion it's great fun to play yourself as well as to watch
One of my greatest sports experiences was to attend a basketball game between the San Antonio Spurs and the New Orleans Hornets - watching the atheticism with your own eyes is different. Blake Griffin from the earlier video is 6'10 and a freak of an athlete
The NBA is coming back to the UK. On October 8th the @okcthunder take-on the @sixers at the Manchester Arena in a NBA preseason game
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