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Blue Badges; EDIT - Greenwich Council has no contract with the mobility assessors!

My Mum, who will be 86 in June, has had her application for renewal of her Blue Badge turned down. She has had it for more than 10 years, after her hip replacement which made it difficult for her to walk . Since then she has had two knee replacements, and now suffers breathing problems due to problems with vertebrae in her back. Patently her ability to walk has not "improved" in the last ten years, and anyway there is no question of her driving herself.
It seems that Councils have been encouraged by the DfT to use outsourced "Mobility Assessors" to assess people's ability to walk, rather than rely on GPs. The DfT is very pleased because the number of successful applications has dropped since they were introduced. What a great "result". Greenwich Council didn't provide any kind of detailed explanation as to how my Mum failed (which the DfT says they should do). I've challenged them on that and they immediately replied that we have the right to get the MA's report - however we have to pay a tenner, and wait up to 40 days (whereas the appeal is supposed to be lodged within 28 days). I have asked for an extension of the appeal, so we can ask for her GP to address the basis on which the Mobility Assessor turned her down.

But you know, WTF??? I understand that there is misuse of these things, but taking one away from a 85 year old who has had one for ten years??

Any advice, especially from those with specialist knowledge of the Council in this area, would be much appreciated.


  • Hip replacement, two dodgy knees and has difficulty in breathing? Is she available to play at Peterboro tomorrow? Can't be worse than those on show against Burnley:-)

    Make sure you get the appeal lodged in time explaining that the details will follow once you have THEIR expert's report upon which they have relied to refuse the renewal.
  • Hip replacement, two dodgy knees and has difficulty in breathing? Is she available to play at Peterboro tomorrow? Can't be worse than those on show against Burnley:-)

    Make sure you get the appeal lodged in time explaining that the details will follow once you have THEIR expert's report upon which they have relied to refuse the renewal.

    Thanks, that is indeed my plan, and they seem to be ready to agree to that process.

    I was wondering how common it is that such older people have their existing blue badges taken away. It seems to me a pretty unpleasant thing to do to people who are reaching the end of their lives.

  • Make an appointment with your local MP and raise the issue with him but lodge your appeal as well good luck
  • Good luck pa typical of this once great country that so many scum bags are fiddling all the systems that genuine people suffer
  • Lodge your appeal, my Dad (double by-pass and double knee replacement) failed his. He kept his successfully on appeal.

    It's just like ATOS I'm afraid, regardless of what they say, they have targets to keep to and fail as many as possible.

    I know it's frustrating (trust me I've got 30 appeals into ATOS at the moment for my clients) but its the world we currently live in.
  • Beckboy said:

    Make an appointment with your local MP and raise the issue with him but lodge your appeal as well good luck

    My Mum's MP is Clive Efford. I do have that plan, if the appeal fails. He is the guy who, when the Valley Party was formed, offered to buy Steve Dixon a pint for every vote we won. I may not be able to resist asking him if he has bought Steve all 14,838 pints by now :-)
  • Hope you have more joy than we have with Bromley council, initial application + appeal rejected, GP letter ignored, goalposts moved....

  • Go to the local (and national) press with a suitable picture of your poor old Mum struggling to walk to the shops and tell them your story with the real names of people who have refused her application. Details/dates of operations and a quote from your GP would be helpful.

    Got to stop these fascists before they take control.

    You and your Mum and paying these jokers wages.
  • This happened to my 81 year old Father In Law last year, after having his badge for 13 years. The outsurced assessor clearly felt he was 'putting on' his heart condition, high blood pressure, lung problems and debilitating back and leg pain - and had fully recovered from the open heart surgery and hip operations he had two years previously. The joke was on them though - as the appeal was going through, he died. We're all in it together...
  • There is no doubt in my mind they pick these fights knowing that people wont have the legs to finish the fight l as they will die----- total c++ts

    Working in a LA at moment-----find out who the Leader of the Opposition is in your council (Tory Liebour it dosnt matter) ask them whats going on they will defo take it forward and make some noise (if they are any good that is)------------they all hate bad publicity when it generated by the opposition----i have seen it in action.
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  • Grumpy - yep, I have that on my ammunition list, slightly more difficult when I'm abroad, but I'd do it.
    Leroy - that is appalling. My commiserations. And of course I worry about the same thing.
    GH. Yes you are right. My Mum is a typical British lady of her generation, doesn't like to make a fuss. Fortunately her son takes after his late father, a stroppy bugger :-)

    I hit them with a couple of Freedom of Information requests on, to uncover how these Assessors are working, what targets they have been given, and what the consequences have been for Blue badge applications.

    Thanks for the advice everyone.
  • Today we have good news, our appeal was successful. However my brother and I are convinced that it is mainly because our mother has two stroppy bastards for sons, quite out of keeping with her own, dont-make-a -fuss attitude which characterises her generation. I also extracted information from Greenwich under the Freedom of Information law which shows a big increase in refusals since the private mobility assessors were brought in, although the Council states on the record that they have no specific target for reducing the number of badges awarded.

    The main thing I want to say here is that if anyone else has this problem, and would like to see a copy of the appeal letter which my brother wrote (with good support from our GP) just ask. We have heard of a 92 year old lady who has just had her renewal refused. What is going on is not right, especially as I have established that the number of blue badge applications was going down before they brought in these private contractors.
  • edited June 2013
    Out of interest, is a Blue Badge transferable - i.e. it only matters that the person is in the car, not that it's their car?
  • the badge is for the disabled person and doesn't matter what car they're in nor whether driver or passenger.
  • the badge is for the disabled person and doesn't matter what car they're in nor whether driver or passenger.

    Cheers - that what I was guessing.
  • Off_it said:

    the badge is for the disabled person and doesn't matter what car they're in nor whether driver or passenger.

    Cheers - that what I was guessing.
    Can confirm this. My girlfriends mum has a blue badge and doesn't drive. It's used by whoever takes her out..............
  • Off_it said:

    the badge is for the disabled person and doesn't matter what car they're in nor whether driver or passenger.

    Cheers - that what I was guessing.
    Can confirm this. My girlfriends mum has a blue badge and doesn't drive. It's used by whoever takes her out..............
    And that is essential, of course. My Mum cannot drive now, and would be a danger to others should she try it. Unfortunately that is also where such badges are abused. There is probably a case for heavier fines for people who misuse them.

  • Off_it said:

    the badge is for the disabled person and doesn't matter what car they're in nor whether driver or passenger.

    Cheers - that what I was guessing.
    Can confirm this. My girlfriends mum has a blue badge and doesn't drive. It's used by whoever takes her out..............
    Unfortunately that is also where such badges are abused. There is probably a case for heavier fines for people who misuse them.

    fully agree
  • Unbelievable development today. When the Blue Badge didnt turn up we wrote to nudge them. Today we got a letter saying basically: "oh sorry, we made a mistake. Actually your appeal failed. (no reason given beyond "not meeting Government guidelines. But never mind, you can lodge a Stage Two appeal"

    Can you believe that?

    Well, they have picked on the wrong family. We'd already been in touch with Clive Efford to alert him about the untransparent process, (on behalf of everyone else) and he had replied that he will take it up with all concerned. So now of course we have told him about this staggering development.

    My question for now is. If we want to go to the media..which media tend to focus on issues like this, in your experience?

    Do these people never stop to think "one day, I too will apply for a Blue Badge?"...
  • Unbelieveable! The local paper is probably the best place to start, especially if it's one that gets delivered free to all households in the area. Probably less shaky ground than a social media hate campaign, however tempting that must be
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  • News Shopper is probably a good starting point.
  • Unbelievable development today. When the Blue Badge didnt turn up we wrote to nudge them. Today we got a letter saying basically: "oh sorry, we made a mistake. Actually your appeal failed. (no reason given beyond "not meeting Government guidelines. But never mind, you can lodge a Stage Two appeal"

    Can you believe that?

    Well, they have picked on the wrong family. We'd already been in touch with Clive Efford to alert him about the untransparent process, (on behalf of everyone else) and he had replied that he will take it up with all concerned. So now of course we have told him about this staggering development.

    My question for now is. If we want to go to the media..which media tend to focus on issues like this, in your experience?

    Do these people never stop to think "one day, I too will apply for a Blue Badge?"...

    Absolutely disgraceful performance from the Council, an insult to your Mum and the citizens they are supposed to be serving. I would've thought most of the local media, including local papers, would be interested in this. All power to yer elbow, Prague.

  • Although I'm not a fan, Daily Mail sometimes get stuck in to this kind of story. I have close connections at the Oldie magazine (editor Richard Ingrams, of Private Eye fame) who are very good at giving publicity to this kind of thing, if you would like me to try for you. Out of interest the Oldie broke the Jimmy Saville story months before anyone else dared to write about it.
  • I had rather a large row with Greenwich Council over my mothers Blue Badge, she is 93 yoa and housebound other than going out in a car with her wheelchair. Her badge was due for renewal on the 31st December 2012 and as she heard nothing from them in late November I rang the council to ask why she had heard nothing, I was told it is no longer their practice to do so as all badges have to be reapplied for. I then asked that they send me the relevent forms, after more telephone calls I eventually got them in middle of December they claim it was the third lot sent?
    As you are obviously aware the application is more relenent to new applicants and ask for proof of everything again, I found everything but her birth certificate but took paperwork to thier office hoping that in view of the lack of time they would accept alternative proof of age and took her medical card and a few other documents. Needless to say they would not accept paperwork without original birth certificate, when I reminded them of the urgency they told me it was irrelevant as it took up to 8 weeks to process anyway. They said out of thier control they only collect paperwork as now handled by central government office.
    I eventually got the Blue Badge at the end of February ! not a very good experience with the councils customer services.
  • Although I'm not a fan, Daily Mail sometimes get stuck in to this kind of story. I have close connections at the Oldie magazine (editor Richard Ingrams, of Private Eye fame) who are very good at giving publicity to this kind of thing, if you would like me to try for you. Out of interest the Oldie broke the Jimmy Saville story months before anyone else dared to write about it.

    That is a very interesting and kind offer, maybe I will come back to you via message, have holiday coming up, and in that time we may see what Clive Efford can do.

    Generally also looks like the News Shopper might be interested.

  • Sorry to hear about your problems Prague. I'd also suggest the Daily Mail for this one - it's perfect for them (especially if she was assessed by a foreigner!!)
  • Well it's true also that my Mum is a Daily Mail reader. Would be ironic, I've been trying to wean her off it for years :-). But it was my first thought, among the nationals.

    Anyone seen any telly programmes that tackle things like this?
  • Well it's true also that my Mum is a Daily Mail reader. Would be ironic, I've been trying to wean her off it for years :-). But it was my first thought, among the nationals.

    Anyone seen any telly programmes that tackle things like this?

    I don't watch telly - but where is Esther Rantzen when you need her?

  • How about Radio 4's Mon-Fri consumer programme, 'You and Yours'?

  • Prague Addict: I am the advocate at Greenwich Association of Disabled People. I would like to (offer to) take-on your mum's case. We are particularly keen to challenge Blue Badge refusals / non-renewals. Henry Irving and Miserable Old Git have known me for years so although I normally just read, and never post on, this forum, please be assured this is a genuine post.We are based at The Forum aka Christchurch in Trafalgar Road but we would be happy to offer a home visit to meet your mum and borrow the paperwork. If it made your mum feel more comfortable, I could send one of my female assistants. My work number is 0208 305 2221 or Regards Colin Finch
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