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North Korea



  • if anyone really thinks that a tinpot little dictatorship like North Korea is a major threat to the USA or anyone else they are verging on the paranoid. As I have said elsewhere, NK is a Chinese fiefdom and is used by china as naughty little boy to scare the west and divert attention from china's nefarious activities. China can soon tell NK to cool it and all the western press and some gullible politicians will fall over with relief and gratitude that china has joined the great league of enlightened nations. China is the real devil here, NK merely the court jester.

    I think there is a lot of truth in what you say Lincs
  • My mum always said get the first punch in if I was the us I would go over there stand on the south Korea border and then play ganglam style until he appeared then shave his head kick him in the arse and send him back across the border

    I reckon he will aim a rocket in the sky send it up the us will panic and bomb the shit out of him when really the rocket has got a giant banner inside that says BANG
  • Not meaning to cause offence, but all the North Koreans I've seen on the telly are short dumpy guys with squitty eyes. If they're up for a fight I fancy me chances!

    That was said about the Japanese before WW2.
    And they got beat.
    but it took 2 nuclear bombs and the help of a lot of other countries.
    And they haven't mouthed off since.
  • You are all talking like a Spanner when we pulled the lions tail....phut!
  • its all banter
  • Can someone tell this kid to chill out a bit?

    Hopefully he has some good advisers that are willing to tell him how badly he'd be crushed in a war.
  • History is littered with nutters who started wars they couldn't win.

    Correct sir.
  • edited April 2013
    Double Post...
  • Today they have apparently told an Industrial Area in the south to clear out by the 10th.
    One of there last links with the south that makes the North 2billion annually.

    Quote from Yahoo News

    SEOUL (Reuters) - North Korea has told the association of companies that are operating factories in the Kaesong industrial zone to complete pulling out by April 10, an executive of the association said on Thursday.
    The association has asked the North to extend the deadline until April 13 but has not received a reply, Ok Sung-suk, vice president of the association, said.
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  • Kim Jong Un would be crazy to attack but also crazy to say they wont be attacking. There's a power struggle in North Korea between Kim and the generals of the army who aren't happy having a young man they knew little about pushing them around. If he doesn't try to appease them, then he can find himself assassinated. If he goes to war, the country will be crushed. It's a fine line that he's treading to establish himself. I wouldn't be surprised if he creates a "false attack" from a controlled explosion some where remote and claim that he achieved a massive victory over the USA and their allies. Creating the persona of being a saviour to his people. That will make it harder for any opposition to dispose of him and install some one else without a massive rift in the country happening.
  • ...I would go over there stand on the south Korea border and then play ganglam style until he appeared then shave his head kick him in the arse and send him back across the border ...

    Don't know about Gangnam Style, but I'd love someone to do a spoof of Where Did You Get That Hat - perhaps in the style of those old Hitler Goosestepping spoofs.

  • ^^^

    oh no, they're holding hands!
  • I'm not so sure about all this "crushed" stuff. Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan don't look very crushed to me.
  • Saddam Hussein didn't exactly win...
  • Saddam Hussein didn't exactly win...

    Did anyone?
  • Riviera said:

    Saddam Hussein didn't exactly win...

    Did anyone?
    Very true.
  • new owners ?
  • Is the one on the left wearing trousers ???

    Its very hard to take all this seriously when people are called Ok Sung Suk etc
  • they always look so happy.
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  • Socialists mate they all looklike that
  • Is he the only fat bloke in north korea?
  • There is only one possible solution to this. GoonerHater and a large can of petrol.
  • A regiment of Millwall fans are the only answer.
  • The new US Defense Secretary said this morning, "We've only got to make a wrong judgement once, and we're not going to make a wrong judgement on my watch". I read this as taking the threats seriously, more so as we're told that "warships and B 52s are in the area". Wouldn't be surprised if some of NKs "facilities" got taken out.
  • limeygent said:

    The new US Defense Secretary said this morning, "We've only got to make a wrong judgement once, and we're not going to make a wrong judgement on my watch". I read thiks as taking the threats seriously, more so as we're told that "warships and B 52s are in the area". Wouldn't be surprised if some of NKs "facilities" got taken out.

    At this stage your last point would be the wrong judgement. China have a big role to play in how this pans out and China will not want to see any military action unless they can see that there was no alternative.

  • North Korea needs China much more than China needs North Korea. That is why China can resolve thi if it really wants tos. I'm sure it is just posturing, but it is incredibly reckless and stupid on Korea's part.
  • Nuke him first
  • edited April 2013
    China's military is already hugging the boarders to stop people crossing over.

    Anonymous now hacking North Korean related sites/accounts

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