With two of us confirmed as entrants in the RTTB London half Marathon DaveStorry and myself and 3blokesfromfblock subject to confirmation, I wondered if anyone is doing this in September and would like to join us?
I know a certain Mr Doyle was interested and is needed to drag the average age down a bit.

With WSS doing the big one shortly for a great cause, he won't be expected to join although we could do with someone to set us a decent pace. I kicked off yesterday with a steady two miles and a further four miles today including "Hillreach" and that hill still hurts. DaveStorry is currently pounding the sands on the Cornish coastline and Jon is probably still in bed
Stripping 7lbs in weight I should be back to a training bra size in a week or two.
With 3blokes now signed up to run/crawl with myself and DaveStorry it should be interesting.