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Runtothebloodybeat - so who's in?

In an attempt to make ourselves even finer specimens of manhood than we already are ( is that even possible you cry) Dave Storry TCE and now myself have signed up for the run this year. I think we will be either doing it for the Upbeats or Demelza I believe.
So any more of the legends of the Great CL Run of yore up for it or anyone else who fancies running the streets with an elite trio of runners? ;-)
And for anyone thinking it might be too much pain and agony for little reward, don't forget you're already half way there with the mental training for that if you've watched us at home this season ;-)
Dave Storry

Come on you only die once :-)


  • New additions looking like :
    Dave 21
    Step ( wait till he finds out)
  • I've entered for this. Was also thinking of running for Demelza and/or the Upbeats so would be good to work together if that's the way you're going!
  • I've emailed Karl over at the Upbeats (almost a fortnight ago) with reference to running on behalf of the Upbeats, waiting to hear from him.
    ISLS, you'd be welcome to join us it certainly helps me get my ar5e out the door knowing I'll be running with others.
  • Those that are doing it the route has been revealed.
  • Cheers mate. Out of interest did you get anywhere with any enquiries to Demelza/Upbeats fundraising? Ta.
  • I've not really followed it up to be honest, I'm sponsoring myself for £50 but having just worked out the evil b******** have the hill in Greenwich park on the 12 mile marker I may well withdraw my kind offer ;)
    We cant run in anything other than the official shirt unless notifying them first and the Charltonlife dresscode doesnt allow baseball caps on anyone over 25 ;)
    So unless the more intelligent on here have any suggestions on raising a few quid for the Upbeats.
  • I suppose it would still be possible to get around this. They are trying to put people off but I'm sure if you rocked up at midday on the Saturday you'd be fine if you wanted to wear an Upbeats/Demelza/CAFC top.

    "Your official race t-shirt (which you will receive with your race pack via post) acts as your race number/entry. It should therefore be worn at all times during the race. If for any reason you wish to wear your own or your charity t-shirt then you will need to come to the Help Desk either the day before (between 12:00pm and 5:00pm) or on the morning of the event with your photo ID, official race t-shirt and your wristband to collect a paper race number.

    Please note that Help Desk will be extremely busy over the event weekend so we would recommend avoiding this where possible."
  • If Telfox reads this, any chance of sorting some Upbeats caps for this run? (if there such a thing of course)
    They seem desperate to keep the run sponsors happy with the shirts, maybe we could print on the shorts would that be something the "Nike shop" at The Valley could do or maybe Northstandsteve could help us?
  • Good luck to everyone doing it. Looks like a good route and thinking of joining in next year!
  • Good luck to everyone doing it. Looks like a good route and thinking of joining in next year!

    It does, but if I'm reading that map correctly, finishing at the top of the hill in Greenwich Park on the last mile will be carnage. There'll be bodies everywhere, mine included. :(

  • Sponsored links:

  • Yes, I'm in.
  • T.C.E said:

    Good luck to everyone doing it. Looks like a good route and thinking of joining in next year!

    It does, but if I'm reading that map correctly, finishing at the top of the hill in Greenwich Park on the last mile will be carnage. There'll be bodies everywhere, mine included. :(

    Yeah, that will be a killer!
  • Nearer the time we'll organise a meeting place, I'm all for the hut on Blackheath (Cafe) for a breakfast roll and a coffee about an hour before the off. ;)
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