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Raise your glass to Mrs T.

They said 'Yah'. I said 'Nah'.
The legacy? For the legacy, folks, look around you. You need not look far.
You'll see your Ghost Town High Street, your distant Accident & Emergency Centre, your Tesco PLC / It-used-to-be-a pub, your pay freeze, your everything made in China (or somewhere but not the UK), your going out of business football club, your youth unemployment, your Super Rich Gated Community withadd-on double-basement-excavation.

See the seething contempt of all that had gone on, and all that was surely to come from Elvis Costello, in 1989:


  • They said 'Yah'. I said 'Nah'.
    The legacy? For the legacy, folks, look around you. You need not look far.
    You'll see your Ghost Town High Street, your distant Accident & Emergency Centre, your Tesco PLC / It-used-to-be-a pub, your pay freeze, your everything made in China (or somewhere but not the UK), your going out of business football club, your youth unemployment, your Super Rich Gated Community withadd-on double-basement-excavation.

    See the seething contempt of all that had gone on, and all that was surely to come from Elvis Costello, in 1989:

    Ohh not another one !
  • Oh shut up
  • You are a moron
  • Awesome thread. Not.
  • Nothing wrong with giving your opinion on her legacy. But clearly the admin dont want this debate on here so you might aswell delete your post before they do.
  • AK, you may not have any respect for Thatcher, but how about showing some respect for AFKA? He's asked us not to post critiques of Thatcher at the moment, presumably because he has better things to do than clear up the bickering and name calling that will inevitably follow. Give it a rest eh?
  • STFU, what a stupid little attention seeking thread, grow up.
  • Ah, I do apologise. I searched for other postings on the subject, but could find none. (Not sure why, given that, according to others, there are some).
    Well, at least I was humble enough to post it under 'Not Sports related'! (Which is mis-placed, actually, if one considers Thatcher's tirade against footie fans i.e. all-seater stadiums, masquerading as a 'considered' response to the police **ck-up at Hillsborough).
    There's a party on Saturday, by the way, chaps.
  • You won't see any mention of the Labour government that first took free milk from all secondary school kids in 1968 or the fact free milk has been continually phased out for higher age groups by just about every subsequent government, Conservative and Labour. Inconvenient truths have no place it seems.
  • Oh fuck off.
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  • Too many people on this forum are fucking morons. Both right and left. No shame whatsoever...
  • STFU, what a stupid little attention seeking thread, grow up.

    You won't see any mention of the Labour government that first took free milk from all secondary school kids in 1968 or the fact free milk has been continually phased out for higher age groups by just about every subsequent government, Conservative and Labour. Inconvenient truths have no place it seems.

    OK, so who's hacked Nathan's account then?
  • aliwibble said:

    STFU, what a stupid little attention seeking thread, grow up.

    You won't see any mention of the Labour government that first took free milk from all secondary school kids in 1968 or the fact free milk has been continually phased out for higher age groups by just about every subsequent government, Conservative and Labour. Inconvenient truths have no place it seems.

    OK, so who's hacked Nathan's account then?
    I blame the beer
  • Should drink more Nathan, you make sense.
  • Had Thatcher not come to power and say nobody like her had done so during the 1980's. Realistically, what course would Britain have otherwise taken? What would a Britain without Thatcher have looked like come the 1990's? I know it's hypothetical and there's no way to really pin it down, but still it's an interesting thought.

    Thatcher was the last strong prime minister this country has had, she took on the unions that in the previous decades had been doing a good job of destroying British industry on their own, and won, I find it understandable that in the areas affected there is a degree of denial as to their grandfathers, fathers, brothers etc part in their own downfall but lets not have a grave dancing session, it demeans the people who are doing it.
  • Didn't she advocate the fact that people should not look to the government for help to their problems, while sidekick Tebbit encouraged people to 'get on their Bike' and find work... eh, Nathan?!
  • boggzy said:

    Didn't she advocate the fact that people should not look to the government for help to their problems, while sidekick Tebbit encouraged people to 'get on their Bike' and find work... eh, Nathan?!

    I'm looking, its just the companies being tits and not waiting to train people up.
  • I didn't actually realise that Thatcher was against rail privatization til just before she resigned... claims that on Wikipedia, but they were beginning to carve it up even in the mid-eighties, so not sure how accurate that is.
  • SE10 said:

    Should drink more Nathan, you make sense.

    Hmmm...I have no interest in getting into the debate whatsoever but i am astonished at young Nathan's sudden political awakening - I wont stoop so low as to select the writings he has blessed us with & google them in their entirety to see where he draws his inspiration from...!!! :-)
  • The Sun front page is proper weird.
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  • edited April 2013
    Funny how 'the people' democratically elected her three times to lead the country.

    But then as an Anarcist you would have done nothing to stop that except complain.
  • edited April 2013
    How are those BP and BA shares doing Anna ?

    Anna Kissed - very anarchic.
This discussion has been closed.

Roland Out Forever!