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luiz suarez



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    Wants Liverpool lto 'honour their promise' of letting him go if they didn't quality for the Champions League. What's he paying his agent for? Mug!
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    Oh come on, he wont join Ars*nal.

    I dont say that as a Spurs fan, I say that from the point of view Liverpool wont let him go for £40m...Liverpool will want more for him. Rodgers has already said if Bale is worth £80m+ then Suarez should be the same. I dont necessarily agree with that but if thats Liverpool's stance...

    I just cant see Ars*nal spending that kind of money on one player. Christ, Wenger is tighter than Levy!

    He is exactly the kind of player that Ars*nal need. He'll fit in brilliantly there but the baggage he brings, is it worth it.

    Have to say, as good a player he is, I wouldnt want him at Spurs (if it was an option that is...which I dont think it would be anyway!)
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    I thought Rogers made it clear this morning that he won't be selling to another Prem team.
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    was saying that to my nephew last night £40million and 1p activates the clause in his contract that allows Liverpool to inform him of a bid, it is not the amount that Liverpool have to accept,

    Arsenal need a Suarez and a Higuain but they also need to go with it a Fabregas and atleast 1 CH and a goalie

    if they got a Suarez their league position would not change that dramatically they may go from 4th to 3rd
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    They finished 3rd the season before last with a 30 a season striker. Don't see them finishing any higher when they get Suarez.
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    was saying that to my nephew last night £40million and 1p activates the clause in his contract that allows Liverpool to inform him of a bid, it is not the amount that Liverpool have to accept,

    Arsenal need a Suarez and a Higuain but they also need to go with it a Fabregas and atleast 1 CH and a goalie

    if they got a Suarez their league position would not change that dramatically they may go from 4th to 3rd

    Regarding the first paragraph, that's Liverpool's version of events. LS appears to think differently and may have the backing of the PFA. Without seeing the contract, it's hard to say what is actually the case. It's alleged that LS also believes there is a verbal agreement for him to leave due to the club's failure to qualify for the CL.

    Agree with the rest of your post.
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    exactly and wenger knows this so spending that much on suarez would be seen as evidence he can not improve the team with money, this is all show for the deluded goner shite fans and will come to nowt
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    Apparently Wenger was forced to up his bid (I think it was originally 30m) by the board and Gazidis because they are starting to lose face.
    All this talk about they could spend 50 mill on Rooney and pay him 250k a week at a supporters meeting at the begining of June by Gazidis and Wenger refuses to do it so they had to step in.
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    For Suarez, going from Liverpool to Arsenal would be like Yann Kermorgant going from us to Millwall, the question would be why?

    Arsenal may be in the CL but, frankly, so what? They are nowhere near Man United, City or Chelsea and even if Suarez went there then Arsenal still have major weaknesses.

    If I were Suarez I would wait for Real Madrid or an Italian team.
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    Suarez don't care where he goes he Is a little bitch who will take his money from anyone

    Arsenal this bastion of morality (if you believe their tosspot fans) with their values and philosophy looking to buy Suarez is hilarious

    Wenger will not spend in case it fails and the professor tag loses its value
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    For Suarez, going from Liverpool to Arsenal would be like Yann Kermorgant going from us to Millwall, the question would be why?

    Arsenal may be in the CL but, frankly, so what? They are nowhere near Man United, City or Chelsea and even if Suarez went there then Arsenal still have major weaknesses.

    If I were Suarez I would wait for Real Madrid or an Italian team.

    Thats the thing though. Are Madrid really interested? No official bid yet. Presumably depends very much on whether they get Bale or not.

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    only city or chelski can buy him here

    he wouldn't go utd and arsenal aint got the fortitude
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    At least he ahs come out and said he wants to move.

    Unlike spineless Rooney and Bale who refuse to make public their desire to leave or hand in a money losing transfer request.

    funny how all three are 'injured'
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    Plaaayer said:

    Apparently Wenger was forced to up his bid (I think it was originally 30m) by the board and Gazidis because they are starting to lose face.

    Arsenal already lost face when they bid £23m for a striker who was sold a week later for £32m

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    The Bin Dippers keeping it classy lol
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    If Arsenal have that sort of dosh to throw around they should save it and spend way less than half that on getting Hernandez away from the Man U bench. Cracking player who would be scoring 20+ goals a season anywhere else. Trouble is Arsenal fans wouldn't be happy as he's not a big enough name.
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    For Suarez, going from Liverpool to Arsenal would be like Yann Kermorgant going from us to Millwall, the question would be why?

    Arsenal may be in the CL but, frankly, so what? They are nowhere near Man United, City or Chelsea and even if Suarez went there then Arsenal still have major weaknesses.

    If I were Suarez I would wait for Real Madrid or an Italian team.

    I can't agree! The comparison is, in my view way off. Leaving Liverpool for Everton might be the same as moving from Charlton to Millwall but I think you are massively over estimating Liverpool's likelihood of success in the next two or three years if you think that Arsenal are not a big step up. The Champions League is what all players want. It is the shop window, and Arsenal have got to the later stages on a fairly regular basis. They are not favorites to win it, but I wouldn't be shocked if they did.

    In fact I think Arsenal are more likely to with the CL than Liverpool are to qualify for it in the next two seasons, and I don't believe that any player thinks further ahead than that.
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    Suarez is today training with the Liverpool 1st team squad after making an apology.
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