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How many times have you posted?



  • 134 Since 2009, a reader more so.
  • Nearly 700 posts over a few years - thought it would be more... It would be great to know how many individuals visit and post on here each month... when the trust surveyed random fans at games around 30-35% said they looked for Charlton news on here
  • 2257 about 2000 of them about gambling
  • 3769 since July 2010. Tragic.
  • This be post 550.
  • 4770 it says. I must spend more time working.
  • If I have clicked on the correct thingy it's 4061 with this ...

    and no warnings !
  • edited May 2013
    948 Since Dec 2012
  • 1412. All 100% Fact. Now 1413
  • Sponsored links:

  • ive got 551 next to my name - what does that mean?
  • 2,931, no, I tell a lie, 2932 now, since Nov. '08. Would be higher if there were more train and bus spotting threads and if I didn't have to go to bed so early!
  • 1936 since April 2007, solid darts.
  • 1680, though I dont think they count my late night drunken sessions, I reckon I could do that in a night some nights.
  • 4,892 (including this one), since only June 2011. Oh dear........
  • 4,892 (including this one), since only June 2011. Oh dear........

    Maybe get out a bit more ;-)
  • 2502 since october 2006.
  • 1960 since Aug 2007 and not a single worth while one between them!
  • It's not about quantity.. It's all about quality! Goes without saying I lead the field in that department ;-)
  • Sponsored links:

  • 4,892 (including this one), since only June 2011. Oh dear........

    That's really surprising as to be honest, I have barely noticed your user name. Just goes to show the impact unique / generic user names can have.

  • Or you are really boring !!!! :-)
  • I'm proud to say that I've now reached 60, and I've only been posting since August 2006.

    Quality rather than quantity! :-)

    May only be 60, but the quality of the has ensured that since the beginning, you have always been my favourite Austrian based poster :-)

  • 775 before this
  • Way too many!
  • Only 310..

    Out of boredom, here's a break down:

    - I've been a member for 14 months (Feb 2012); so say 392 days. (14 * 28)
    - I've visited 1,129 times - so on average 2.88 times per day. (1129 / 392)
    - Yet I only post on average 0.79 posts per day. (310 / 392)
    - Which equates to about 0.27 posts per visit. (310 / 1129)

    The conclusion? For someone who uses a computer heavily all day at work, I should be able to type a quick post on a forum quicker than my current average of 1.26 days. (1 / 0.79)

    Alternatively, my posts are so good that I ration them to approximately one every 30 hours. (24 * 1.26)
  • edited May 2013
    I wanted to be the weirdest poster when I joined, but Calydon was already a legend.
  • As my posts have to travel 4500 miles to reach the Charlton Life server which i believe is in a bunker deep under the East Stand & i have posted 3733 times, my inane comments have traveled a cumulative distance of 16.8million miles. This distance equates to a trip to the moon and back 35 times - or - just under half the amount of miles Seb Lewis has travelled watching Charlton over the last decade or so....
  • 752 since jan 08
  • 5222
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