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Dissertation Help

I mentioned on here a last September I was doing my Dissertation on football hooliganism. I'm coming to the end of my degree and I was just looking for peoples opinions on one final matter. I'm trying to come to the conclusion that hooliganism is a social problem more than it is a football problem. People might disagree with me, but that's fine. So what social problems do you feel there are today? Immigration getting out of control maybe? Lack of unemployment?
Why has UKIP suddenly emerged as a force in the local elections?
Any help would be great thank you!


  • The recession is the biggest social problem of today.
  • Unemployment defo. If you've got not much money, you'll nick things and mug people to get items to sell or money in some cases. Some find comfort in packs with other people from their social type, as evidenced in the job centre where most young people know all the other young people in there. Plus there's nothing to do all day to keep yourself entertained so that leads to it as well.
  • What about discussing the impact of criminalizing youth/young people, or even football fans in general?

    The argument in short, is basically that if you treat someone or a group as criminals, then eventually they will act as criminals. Obviously there are many more aspects.
  • Help framing non-loaded questions perhaps ; - )

    Immigration and employment have little to do with football violence IMHO. They are social issues but I don't see the correlation to specifically football violence and just asking people on here isn't going to be suitable evidence of any link.

    Would you not be better to chart the amount of football violence against rises/reductions in employment to give some real evidence. You would then need to prove cause and effect.

    As immigration has been a constant since WW2 and long before, what link are you suggesting. Were Millwall fans fighting at Wembley over the lifting of restrictions on Bulgarian workers?

    IMHO the social issues relating to football violence are more likely to be alcohol and drug use/abuse and the place of fighting/violence in male identity within some UK societies.

    You will know the quote from Ted Croker to Maggie Thatcher about "your hooligans" so not a new dispute between football or societies hooligans. Doesn't make you stance invalid but there is a lot of research out there on this.

    Sorry if this sounds harsh but your opening statement was very woolly for a uni dissertation
  • What do you base your conclusion - that hooliganism is a social not a football problem?

    Social problems today...if only lack of unemployment was a problem.

    I'd start with disparities in socio-economic status/income disparities and the resulting lack of opportunity for many people, particularly school leavers.

    Why has UKIP emerged as a force in local politics...recession. People often turn to extreme solutions in recessionary times especially when the major political parties seem to be unable to come with any of the answers (see Germany in the 1920s and then in the 1930s). While they are taking votes off all the major parties it seems that they are predominantly taking votes away from the Conservatives and Call-Me-Dave and his cohort of public school chums (another OE joined his Downing Street team yesterday - what are the odds on that?) are making a hash of governing the country. When the strongest right-of-centre party is clueless you may as well make a protest vote and for right of centre voters UKIP is the logical choice.
  • edited May 2013
    Immigration has been out of control for years. Can FV be linked to socio-economic status? I think football as a whole could be in the past, but people from all classes support teams these days and people from all classes can be involved in hooliganism
  • the closure of woolworths
  • Thats some great advice for the OP

    Of course you will have in mind your conclusion. Probably made up before u started. That is fine but you have to avoid displaying this in your essay. Try to disguise any preconceptions. They are looking for innovation

    I read law and use the acronym ISAC


    Its a useful tool for uni essays.

    As much statistical info as u can muster always impresses in the arts subjects. State it, then critique
    Good luck buddy
  • UKIP has come to the fore because there is not a fag paper of difference between the 3 main parties, colloquially known as the LibLabCon, and vast swathes of the electorate feel disenfranchised as a result.

    I will stop there.
  • There are some fine hooligans currently in employment and from various ethnic groups. I would say that in a lot if cases it is more if a release than some sort of social stance.
    Some people choose to potter around in the garden on a Saturday afternoon whilst others prefer to roll around on the floor with other grown men to get their kicks. Each to their own.
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  • The london riots might help say that hooliganism is a bigger problem than just in football?
  • Immigration and employment have little to do with football violence IMHO.

    To pick up on Henner' point - modern hooliganism was formed and influenced by some sub-cultures of the period (mods, punks, bootboys, skinheads etc) and is therefore very tribalistic in its nature and football encourages tribalism, setting clubs in say north London, Liverpool, Manchester etc against each other. In other nations (Czech Republic, Russia, Balkans, Italy and Germany - particularly in eastern Germany around Brandenburg and Berlin) the hooliganism takes on a political bias with far right groups in particular using football hooliganism as an outlet and violence has a political tinge, but we've never had that in the UK although there was a strong racist tone involved in some of the chanting in the 70s and 80s. But in the UK it's not about the haves v the have nots, there's some evidence that socio-economic differences are irrelevant in British hooliganism.
  • I think moving from a market economy to a market society is a big cause of the tensions in society today.
  • Indie Boy said:

    I'm trying to come to the conclusion that hooliganism is a social problem more than it is a football problem.

    Is that the idea of a dissertation!?
  • Blame the courts.
  • UKIP have come to people's attention because Farage doesn't beat around the bush and has policies people can relate to
  • UKIP are popular because the media have portrayed immigration + the EU to only be filled with negatives, leading to the stigma that immigration + the EU are bad.

    Instead of educating the population on the good side of immigration and inclusion in the EU, governments have tended to ignore the issues and hope that it goes away.

    UKIP are taking advantage by steering their whole campaign on these two issues, almost making them a scapegoat for the problems that normal people are facing.
  • edited May 2013
    Indie Boy said:

    I'm trying to come to the conclusion that ...

    That's your problem right there! That's not how (good) science works. Collect data, analyse your data collection methods, interpret data, report the conclusions, make an argument based on the findings. I'm sure you'll get better marks if you don't try to shoe-horn your preferred argument. And proving yourself wrong is a perfectly valid result.
  • edited May 2013
    LoOkOuT said:

    Indie Boy said:

    I'm trying to come to the conclusion that ...

    That's your problem right there! That's not how (good) science works. Collect data, analyse your data collection methods, interpret data, report the conclusions, make an argument based on the findings. I'm sure you'll get better marks if you don't try to shoe-horn your preferred argument. And proving yourself wrong is a perfectly valid result.

    Believe what the data tells you, not what you had hoped the data would say. That's for creationists.

  • I believe that not eating enough custard can lead to personality defects. I don't like custard myself.
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  • edited May 2013

    UKIP are popular because the media have portrayed immigration + the EU to only be filled with negatives, leading to the stigma that immigration + the EU are bad.

    Instead of educating the population on the good side of immigration and inclusion in the EU, governments have tended to ignore the issues and hope that it goes away.

    UKIP are taking advantage by steering their whole campaign on these two issues, almost making them a scapegoat for the problems that normal people are facing.

    You are totally wrong about the media.

    The BBC constructed a survey recently that suggests not many from Bulgaria or Romania will enter the UK next year. As for the EU, I think you will find the EU contributes towards the BBC so they will try and avoid every negative issue about the EU but they can't ignore UKIP.

    See this -

    You are right the immigration has been good but since 2004 when we opened the door then it became a problem because too many people have come into our Country and claimed Social benefits, jobs and national health insurance. We have far too many people coming into our Country and the UK's population is increasing.
  • LenGlover said:

    UKIP has come to the fore because there is not a fag paper of difference between the 3 main parties, colloquially known as the LibLabCon, and vast swathes of the electorate feel disenfranchised as a result.

    I will stop there.


    Just to add to that, the LibLabCon are a bunch of college kids who never had a job, served the army, set up a business so being elected is important to them because they would never get a real job elsewhere. UKIP's reps are different to them because they had a job before they got into politics.
  • edited May 2013
  • Politix bollix

    We brits never dropped the a bomb but we chat shite like no others. Make love not war

    U wanna persuade understand the others view.

    I bled red white and blue but dont sensationalise. We are charltom we our betterthan that
  • Thread is dissertion help re hoolganism ffs

    Educate the lad dont put the blinkers on
  • Thread is dissertion help re hoolganism ffs

    Educate the lad dont put the blinkers on

    The lad just asked the question - Why has UKIP suddenly emerged as a force in the local elections?
  • Respect for that reply mate

    Dont know u tell me! Rationale like and i am all ears
  • @Exiled_Addick that photo fills me with an enormous sense of dread.
  • Hooliganism is not a social problem in my book theirs plenty out there, kicking lumps out of each other then on Monday morning go and sit in their 50k + jobs, to people it's a tribal scene, then others see tht happening and think ill have abit of that. You need to understand people's mindset behind it all, why they run the risk of a 5 stretch for it and to many people will say its like a drug.
  • EastStand said:

    @Exiled_Addick that photo fills me with an enormous sense of dread.

    Scary isn't it?
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