Decided with Mum we was going to be moving house due to personal reasons and now we have sold our house we are looking around the Medway area... we are only from Dartford so we know that there are no go area's in the main towns however we have seen a few houses in Chattenden & Hoo which we really like. I actually work in Hoo and that seems absolutely fine however the favorite house we are going for is in Chattenden.
Any know how the area is and what to look out for? Or suggestions of other areas.
Just something to be aware of as the possibility / uncertainty might adversely affect property values.
It's difficult to give any other specific advice about the area without knowing what size property you need and how much you want to spend.
Umm would be nice to be able to walk up the shops every now and then. Sell by dates aren't great from online
Come and be a neighbour!
Some apartments and 2 bed for sale on the estate. Lovely scenery, peace and quiet etc
My husband and I lived in the Lordswood area of Chatham for 25 years for that very reason. I can't say it would be my area of choice now, but some parts are nicer than others. I knew nothing of the area before we moved there and we bought a brand new house in 1983. What I didn't know at the time and we came to regret, was that it backed onto a former GLC (Greater London Council) overspill council estate, which had quite a few problem families. In time, with the sale of council houses the area did improve.
7 miles to the other side of the Medway Tunnel in the car and then onto Hoo.
I've not been to Hoo for a while so am not 100% definite on the distance but would guess at perhaps another 7 miles from the tunnel.
There is also the Hempstead Valley Shopping Centre where you could walk to the shops or park for free. There is a large M & S, Sainsburys, BHS and the usual shopping centre shops and a food court with fast food.
The problems are probably not insurmountable but, as with the airport situation mentioned above, could adversely affect property values on resale.
Some nice places down at Wainscott by the by-pass being built at the moment.
Page 22 section 4.2 on. In summary there is a flood risk and insurance companies are charging or excluding accordingly.
BDL confirms the land contamination point.
I'm not saying either point is necessarily a deal breaker and the same applies to the possible Isle of Grain airport.
However Willmore appealed for local input so I'm telling him what the estate agents won't. It's up to him what he does with it.
Avoid any properties close to Luton Road, Chatham and Darnley Road, Strood (although the side streets are ok). The police have a good website for incidents
So as advised above look at the outer towns and villages. I spent the first 13yrs down here commuting to work in London, worked 6 days a week and was too knackered on Sunday to venture out anywhere. It has only been the last 2 yrs when I have worked from home and had a lot more downtime, that I have ventured out to see what this area can offer.^1626&maxPrice=180000&minBedrooms=2&includeSSTC=true&_includeSSTC=on&index=30