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Dreamland Margate

Great news today. Dreamland Margate won its court battle today and now finally has the go ahead to start the building work on its planned new heritage theme park.


  • That'll be a boost for the local economy as the last time i visited Margate most if it was boarded up and very run down.
  • Good news.

    I was stunned the last time I was in Margate by how dead and quiet the place was (on a Friday night too).
  • What about Hartsdown park?

    Remember them knocking some of it down to rebuild it, before they had full planning permission and had to then play Dover as it didn't meet conference standards.

    Still chuckle at that situation looking back...
  • edited May 2013
    Is the idea to create an old style theme park?
  • Is the idea to create an old style theme park?

    Yes, it is. They have aquired various old rides from defunct theme parks, and after giving them a clean and repair any faults, then display them. Its simular to a living history theme park.
  • Margate is pretty low rent these days but both Ramsgate and Broadstairs have undergone a transformation. Anything that livens up a local economy is good news as far as I am concerned and let's face it if you grew up in S.E. London then Dreamland was just that when we were kids.
  • It's great that dreamland is re opening - I had many good day in my childhood there. Sadly today Margate is a hole . The majority of their B&B's are full of chavvy free loaders who are put in there by the council and spend most of the day by the sea front drinking Special Brew. It's sad to see how bad the place is. Get rid of the low life and maybe one day Margate will be a fun place to visit again .
  • You can stick your Costa Brava
  • edited May 2013
    Did this used to called the Ben Brom brothers theme park?
    I remember in the early 80's during the school holidays every ad break during Roland Rat included an advert for this place!
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    I'm not sure how to post a link so hope the above works!
  • It's great that dreamland is re opening - I had many good day in my childhood there. Sadly today Margate is a hole . The majority of their B&B's are full of chavvy free loaders who are put in there by the council and spend most of the day by the sea front drinking Special Brew. It's sad to see how bad the place is. Get rid of the low life and maybe one day Margate will be a fun place to visit again .

    Leaving aside how these people should be described, Thanet Council doesn't control the housing you are talking about. It's largely privately owned former guesthouses owned by absentee landlords, many of whom don't maintain them properly. Hence it's cheap and accommodates people who can't afford anything better or qualify for the limited social housing available.

    Other councils may place their residents in it, but TDC has gone to court to introduce a licensing scheme for landlords and is actively intervening in Margate and Cliftonville to change the housing mix, I.e reduce the number of one bedroom flats. This has cross-party support and has been subject to legal challenge, but is ongoing.

    In addition, the old town has changed for the better as a result of the Turner. Considerable problems remain in Margate, but it's not due to neglect or disregard by Thanet council, under either political party.

  • I'm pleased to hear they are trying to change things .
  • I'm pleased to hear they are trying to change things .

    Hence Dreamland.
  • It's great that dreamland is re opening - I had many good day in my childhood there. Sadly today Margate is a hole . The majority of their B&B's are full of chavvy free loaders who are put in there by the council and spend most of the day by the sea front drinking Special Brew. It's sad to see how bad the place is. Get rid of the low life and maybe one day Margate will be a fun place to visit again .

    So thats where smallwalls fan base has disappeared to.
  • Blimey a step back into my past, what a different world!
  • Bembom Brothers
  • Adam: thanks for posting that fantastic video from the good old days. Couldn't stop grinning. Happy times.
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  • I was meeting a bird from there when I was home last year. I parked in the old Ben Bom Brothers car park and looked at it all run down. They had taken away the 'looping star' roller coaster. Was a sad moment, seeing it all shut up. It brought back wonderful memories as a group of us used to get down there as much as possible in the summer in my teenage years.

    I met Bob Bolder in a cafe there that day too! (not in my teenage years!)
  • edited May 2013
    I was down there last Sunday as OMD (and John Foxx) were playing at the Winter Gardens, it's slowly getting there but the Woman in the rock shop I spoke to said they do need Dreamland to reopen before they can really move onto the next phase. Many happy memories of Margate as a lad.
  • Always thought it was called Margit
  • When I was playing, back in the '70s, it was my favourite away game. Always stayed down there on the Saturday night and always had a terrific time.
  • When I was playing, back in the '70s, it was my favourite away game. Always stayed down there on the Saturday night and always had a terrific time.

    Charlton had a great pre-season friendly down there in the md-70's - we drank the clubhouse bar dry
  • I was down there last Sunday as OMD (and John Foxx) were playing at the Winter Gardens, it's slowly getting there but the Woman in the rock shop I spoke to said they do need Dreamland to reopen before they can really move onto the next phase. Many happy memories of Margate as a lad.

    I was there too , what a great night in a nice little venue, I had to prepare my friends for the shock of what Margate is now like , they couldn't believe it ! , the land that time forgot. Good to
    know they are trying to bring to good times back .
  • Is Buster Blood Vessel's hotel still in business down there? Fatty Towers
  • I think he went bankrupt . ( although I might have dreamt that ! )
  • BIG_ROB said:

    Is Buster Blood Vessel's hotel still in business down there? Fatty Towers

    Shut down years ago.....

    Stayed there once, took me nearly 3 hours to eat my breakfast.

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