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Family members who support other teams....

edited May 2013 in General Charlton
Wondering what other peoples experiences are of having family members who support other football teams.

My parents live in Essex and my dad is a Colchester Utd season ticket holder, Ive taken him to Charlton a few times though and always enjoys his visits. My girlfriend (along with the rest of her family) support Chelsea. Shes a real Chelsea fan though, not one who jumped on the bandwagon in the 00's, ie she knows who Kerry Dixon is! I take her to Charlton when I can and shes adopted them as her second team. Ive made sure shes aware that Charlton were partially responsible for relegating Chelsea to the 2nd Div in 87/88!


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    I live in a complete Charlton bubble.

    No one in my mine or my wifes family support anyone other than Charlton.
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    Supporting anyone else is unacceptable
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    Mrs is arsenal, brother in law is West Ham.
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    Arsenal are my second team
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    My wife is an Arsenal season ticket holder, all her family are mad Arsenal, but I have made sure that The Addicks are their second team.
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    edited May 2013
    two of my sisters when younger were liverpool first charlton second fans.... soon stamped that out and they are both season ticket holding addicks now although one has married a palace fan ffs
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    edited May 2013
    My Dad, Millwall scum all his life, still goes every week and he is 83. Never got us to follow him though!
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    D_F_T said:

    My Dad, Millwall scum all his life, still goes every week and he is 83. Never got us to follow him though!

    Have to applaud that. Good on him.
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    edited May 2013
    Pretty much a Charlton bubble for me too. Grandad, Dad and Mum all Charlton fans and most of the rest of my family aren't into football.

    Have a grandma and Uncle who are both Leeds fans but they barely get to games these days.
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    My mum is Man U, had a pair of Stuart Pearson knickers I recall! Her first game she saw them live was at the mecca of all football grounds.....The Valley 98/99. She is sitting there with her best mate, 0-0 with a minute to go, the addicks holding out the eventual treble champions that season.....she drops her programme on the floor, bends down and misses Dwight Yorke scoring the winner (Browny should definetly done better!)....silly mare, love her though
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    My dad is a ebsfleet fan but he got me into being a Charlton fan!! When I was about 5 he took me to a Charlton match and the following season we both got season tickets. 12 years later and i am still going!! (without him though)
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    Me and and my old man are Charlton through and through yet some how my brother supports West Ham! We've dropped him from the family...!
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    Dad supports Arsenal, I have a soft spot for Arsenal and he does for Charlton so we support each other's teams when they're playing.

    Charlton v Arsenal can get a bit tense though!
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    My brother is a West Ham fan, and so are most my cousins.
    They're our (big)local team to be fair
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    Me mum and dad and all me uncles are life long Charlton, me brother is Chelsea, I know not why
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    Dad QPR, he was born in Loftus Rd.. Eldest brother West Ham, next eldest Liverpool, younger brother Arsenal, sister Arsenal
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    No one else in the family cares about football and my wife + her side of the family calls it 'sissy soccer'. Bloody Kiwis...
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    Mum side - Millwall
    Dad side - Charlton
    I followed my dad as did my sister and now my mum is Charlton.
    Wife side all Millwall but as I go on so much about Charlton she now says she hates football.
    Sister's husband and his family are all Millwall but my nephew is 3 and I'm trying my hardest to make him Charlton so I will let u know how it goes.
    He will be there today so one step closer!!
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    Mum is Arsenal.
    Dad is Spurs.
    Brother is West Ham.

    Am I the only sane one in the family ??
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    Whole of my girlfriend's immediate family, including her, are Palace. One of my uncles is Man United, his son is Bolton, and apart from that no one else supports anyone!
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    Ross said:

    Whole of my girlfriend's immediate family, including her, are Palace. One of my uncles is Man United, his son is Bolton, and apart from that no one else supports anyone!

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    Mum was from East Ham, so supported West Ham (splitter) and Dad was from from Wood Green, so supported Spurs. A lot of cousins on Dad's side of the family are Spurs, although one is a Cobblers fanatic since moving there twenty odd years ago. On Mum's side they tend to support the local team where they ended up, hence Motherwell, Brighton and Torquay among others. As far as I am aware, there is not a glory hunter among them, I am proud to say.
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    Have a brother in law that supports Northampton...yes, he's a knobhead!
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    My wife and 2 boys are season ticket holders at Brighton. At least they support their local team and didn't get swayed by the lure of the big PL clubs.
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    My mum is a dirty gooner
    Brother Charlton
    Mrs a spud
    Lost my son to MUFC
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    Dad - Rangers
    Grandad - Wet Spam
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    My grandad was (woolwich) Arsenal so we still have a soft spot for them but he also followed us and looked out for Millwalls score, dad, uncles, brother cousins and son/nephews/nieces all Addicks, my younger brother supported Norwich for 3/4 seasons in the early 80s because we went to Yarmouth on holiday and he bought a sew on Yosemite Sam patch for his jeans in green and yellow it was a fad but we remind him of mixed loyaltys when we play them
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    My out laws are to a man / woman Millwall. Surprise surprise only one goes regularly. In fact my father in law is a bit of a Millwall ledge.
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    All my inlaws and nephews are Gooners. They never go . Totally depressing. My grandad who died a couple of years ago was West Ham as he was brought up in Mile End .
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    Wife was spurs when we got married but eventually converted to Charlton
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