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Sorry, No More Beheadings on Facebook - Maybe...

WTF people. I can't believe that murder videos aren't illegal on the internet.
Facebook says it's reconsidering whether videos of beheadings and other gruesome executions can or should be posted. The deliberation follows the surfacing of a video showing a woman being decapitated, which was shared on the social network in recent days, sparking public outcry.
"We will remove instances of these videos that are reported to us while we evaluate our policy and approach to this type of content," a Facebook spokesperson told NBC News Thursday.

The video of a woman in Mexico, supposedly beheaded by her husband for "cheating" on him, and another from Mexico showing the execution of two men, brought protests from those in Britain, including the Family Online Safety Institute, one of Facebook's many advisory groups.

Facebook "crossed a line" by allowing the videos to be posted, institute CEO Stephen Balkam told the BBC. The video of the woman being beheaded resulted in at least 2,500 "likes" on Facebook.

John Carr, a member of the United Kingdom's Council on Child Internet Safety, put it another way to the BBC: "Facebook must have taken leave of their senses," he said.

In an interview with NBC News, Balkam said the videos were "horrific" and not in the public interest in the way some news events are. He said the institute wants to arrange a conference call next week with Facebook and its other advisory groups to talk about the issue.

"This is not just a Facebook problem, it's a problem for all social media — Twitter, Tumblr, Google+ — any platform that has content provided by its users," he said. "It's a very, very difficult and gray area about where to draw the line."

Facebook's current Community Standards notes that when it comes to "graphic content" being posted, "We understand that graphic imagery is a regular component of current events, but must balance the needs of a diverse community. Sharing any graphic content for sadistic pleasure is prohibited."

An animal welfare group's sharing, for example, of a video showing animal abuse might aim to raise public awareness and motivate people to act to fight such abuse, according to Facebook's philosophy.
Celia Mellow, a resident of Surrey, England, started an online petition April 27 asking Facebook to remove decapitation videos. Mellow said on the GoPetition site that she asked Facebook to remove one such video, and received this message back, in part:
Status- Video not removed
Details- Thanks for your report. We reviewed the video you reported, but found it doesn't violate Facebook's Community Standard on graphic violence, which includes depicting harm to someone or something, threats to the public's safety, or theft and vandalism.
"As a loyal Facebook user for the past 3 years, I am convinced that this is some kind of mistake," Mellow wrote on the site. "However, the friend who I mentioned before and several other friends had also reported this video, only to receive the same message in return."

Since Mellow's petition went public, a Facebook spokesman told NBC News, the video has been removed. "We are being proactive on the back end to remove this content, but as always we encourage users to report content to us by using the 'report' links throughout the site."


  • The one of the Mexican woman came up on my Facebook I think, obviously gave it a wide birth. Found the pictures of the cretin with the pit bull and King Charles Spaniel quite harrowing too, loads of people shared that....
  • BIG_ROB said:

    The one of the Mexican woman came up on my Facebook I think, obviously gave it a wide birth. Found the pictures of the cretin with the pit bull and King Charles Spaniel quite harrowing too, loads of people shared that....

    Pit bull and King Charles Spaniel? I hope that isn't what my mind is imagining.
  • Cant understand how anyone can watch that shit if someone sent me a link like that i would seriously wonder why

    People who start with animal cruelty are normally 1 away from serious horrific crimes

    People that share and watch beheadings are not right in the swede proper

  • There's something seriously f*cked up about the internet. Leaving the issue of Facebook aside for a second:

    I wanted to see if there was a news story about this woman* - so I did a google, I shouldn't have been surprised if there was a video linked - so I wasn't. "Simply don't click it" However there were 5 different mexican beheading videos returned on Google, on the first page, each with descriptions visible in the search results. -All from one site-

    Who watches shit like this? Or more importantly - who takes the time to set these sites up?

    a - Thinking of a name
    b - Buying the domain name
    c - Buying web hosting
    d - Finding a host that allows these kinds of materials
    e - Setting up some form of Content Management System that can handle video uploads, user management, comments..
    f - Styling that site/cms

    This isn't exactly going to be an afternoon task, and (d) is probably going to set you back some serious cash. E/F may even set you back serious cash (higher 4 figure numbers?) and/or time.

    So obviously there is money to be made in these ventures - advertising most likely - which means that there is a massive amount of traffic going to these sites.

    When I've seen discussions about stuff like this before one moronic excuse always pops up "curiousity". Curiousity over what it looks like to see someone get beheaded? Well I have curiousity over how fucked up you have to be to search around the internet to watch that shit.

    As for Facebook? Just moronic. They censored some womans photos where her elbows were showing as they looked like her knockers ( See here ). So apparently tits are a no go but murders possibly are.. Once again, something is seriously f*cked up with the internet. The fact that their even CONSIDERING allowing this shit.

    * For anyone curious, I got 3 pages in to the search results and decided that beheadings must be so common over there that there was obviously no news story.

    BIG_ROB said:

    The one of the Mexican woman came up on my Facebook I think, obviously gave it a wide birth. Found the pictures of the cretin with the pit bull and King Charles Spaniel quite harrowing too, loads of people shared that....

    Pit bull and King Charles Spaniel? I hope that isn't what my mind is imagining.

    If it's this one in the news, then it wasn't some sadistic cnut organising a dog fight though if that's what you were imagining - that was my first fear. However, sadly, it's not that far off - the King Charles Spaniel was being mauled. However by luck the poor little fellow managed to survive and appears to be in good health.

    The owner of the King Charles got bitten trying to intervene so decided to take photos (for evidence?) whilst the owner of the Pitbull and some strangers tried to separate the two animals.

    Whilst not as grotesque or as explicit as it sounds, still disturbing it must be said.
  • Thanks for that Luckyreds................glad the KCS is doing well. Lovely dogs but probably not great fighters.
    I remember during the Iraq war the beheading of the Jewish American guy who went out there to help the locals was posted all over the internet. I never checked it out as suffering nightmares ain't my thing. I'm sure it was posted on some site that specialises in shock videos.

    The internet is a great thing (wouldn't have CL without it ;-)) but surely at some point this sick stuff needs to be censored.

  • ummmm...

    there were some 'deadly riots' where I live a few years ago

    internet got shut down for 9 months

    but cell phone snuff videos were soon being bluetoothed amongst pretty much everyone... including little kids

    something doesn't seem right to me

    made the mistake of watching one before I had thought it through...never again for me
  • Its a race to the bottom. The lid has been lifted and now there is no way back.
  • Its a race to the bottom. The lid has been lifted and now there is no way back.

    Yes, I had hopes for society to move forwards but it feels like it is going in the other direction.
  • While I agree these sort of videos desensitise people, it is nothing new to see it. For centuries it was common place for decapitation and mutilations to happen in public streets.
  • I just delete anyone that thinks its ok to share that kinda stuff
  • Sponsored links:

  • Would be nice to think that we've come far enough as a species to have moved away from finding entertainment in such depraved and despicable acts PopIcon. Sorry to admit I've watched some stuff online that I wish I could erase from my memory. You have to be a pretty f**ked up individual to start a site devoted to such footage.
  • Would be nice to think that we've come far enough as a species to have moved away from finding entertainment in such depraved and despicable acts PopIcon. Sorry to admit I've watched some stuff online that I wish I could erase from my memory. You have to be a pretty f**ked up individual to start a site devoted to such footage. ain't that it?
  • edited May 2013

    Would be nice to think that we've come far enough as a species to have moved away from finding entertainment in such depraved and despicable acts PopIcon. Sorry to admit I've watched some stuff online that I wish I could erase from my memory. You have to be a pretty f**ked up individual to start a site devoted to such footage.

    People will always find ways to entertain their curiosity, it's probably natural that folk are intrigued by bad things. It is sad that these sites exist as it shows there is enough traffic for people to make large ££ through advertising.
    It would be wonderful world where that line was never crossed.
  • The proliferation of 'social media' means the definite end of the age of innocence
  • I only look at sites with fluffy bunnies.
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