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Job offers

Hi guys

Just wanted to ask if anyone has ever experienced a similar situation to the one I'm in?

Last Wednesday was my last day of work then I was made redundant, had an interview with them. on the Monday and a job offer was made on Friday with a view to finalise matters today.

I have just had a call advising they have given the job to someone else with more experience in the market, I feel so devastated as I thought I had it in the bag after being told "we would like you to join our team" and asked "when can you start" on Friday.

Of course I said I can start ASAP and they said "we will call you on Monday to finalise details of our offer"

I am quite distressed about it all really!


  • Not me, got to get an interview first..
  • Did they put anything in writing to you?
  • edited May 2013
    Really bad luck but you have no legal recourse unless you and they signed a contract of employment. 'We would like you to join our team' et al, is NOT an offer of employment, merely a non committal opinion on your abilities. You must feel awful. Better luck in the future.
    No consolation but during my years of freelancing similar things happened on a regular basis. Equally, I have changed my mind if and when a better offer came along. It is a tough old world.
  • Very poor from them and understand why you feel so devastated. Very unprofessional of them and inconsiderate.

    For what it is worth I would suggest that you give it a few days and then ring them again.

    Explain, politely, how frustrated you are as you were looking forward to working with them and ask them if there are any other posts coming up.

    At the same time ask for some feedback from the interview, what you did well and what you can be better.

    I know the temptation is to tell them to stick their job where the sun don't shine and with the way they have treated you I'd have doubts about working for them but better not to burn any bridges if you are looking for work IMHO.
  • Not true Lincs. If the verbal offer of a job was offered and a salary was offered (known in law as "a consideration") then that is a bona fide offer of employment, if accepted.

    Dazzler if all of the above happened, challenge this quickly with them, say taken legal advice etc. If you get nowhere, go to CAB. Good luck mate.
  • Cheers guys some brilliant sounding advice. I'll let you know how it goes!
  • That's horrendous, surely they can't do that morally and even legally?

    Just turn up on Monday ready to work!
  • edited May 2013

    Not true Lincs. If the verbal offer of a job was offered and a salary was offered (known in law as "a consideration") then that is a bona fide offer of employment, if accepted.

    Dazzler if all of the above happened, challenge this quickly with them, say taken legal advice etc. If you get nowhere, go to CAB. Good luck mate.

    It would depend on the wording used during the interview/conversation and while morally and legally you may be right, assuming that Dazzler's interpretation of events is correct, you should know that trying to prove a verbal offer of employment was forthcoming and holding a company to it or getting compensation for breach of contract is nigh on impossible and would be a waste of time and money. My advice to Dazzler would be to move on and forget about hurt feelings, there are many jobs out there for talented and hard working people
  • edited May 2013
    I tend to agree with Lincs on this one. It isn't right morally and legally whilst in theory there are arguments, making them stand in practice isn't going to be straightforward.

    Henry's advice is sound as well.
  • Dazzler...sorry to hear about this, sounds to me as though they were ready to offer you the job when someone's CV hit their desk at the wrong moment for you. Poor form by them.

    Legally you have a shout for breach of contract but only if everything has been agreed and you have accepted - even a verbal agreement by both parties is ok, although more difficult to prove than a written offer/acceptance. At this point a contract exists.

    However you said "we will call you on Monday to finalise details of our offer". They could counter claim that the final agreement had not actually been made in the phone conversation, only that they were intending to make an offer but changed their mind before making it. For example - if no actual starting date, salary etc had been finalised then did you really have a firm offer? If you have these and you accepted then an unconditional job offer would exist and you would be entitled to payment of notice equal to whatever your contract would say.

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  • My advice is count your blessings you didn't end up working for a bunch of snidey bastards. You deserve better.
  • Very poor from them and understand why you feel so devastated. Very unprofessional of them and inconsiderate.

    For what it is worth I would suggest that you give it a few days and then ring them again.

    Explain, politely, how frustrated you are as you were looking forward to working with them and ask them if there are any other posts coming up.

    At the same time ask for some feedback from the interview, what you did well and what you can be better.

    I know the temptation is to tell them to stick their job where the sun don't shine and with the way they have treated you I'd have doubts about working for them but better not to burn any bridges if you are looking for work IMHO.

    Agreed, not very humane to have a policy like that, and would you really want to work for people like that?

  • Wankers. I know this won't make you feel better but it Sounds like your well out of it anyway with People and a company like that.

    You will get something better.
  • What AUN said

    Do you really want to work with people that think of you in such a shitty way
  • Was it direct or through a recruitment consultant?
  • I am relieved to a degree, obviously though being redundant I really wanted a job. Could mean I end up in a better job #fingerscrossedfirmly
  • What AUN said

    Do you really want to work with people that think of you in such a shitty way

    Agree,move on, they aint worth it.
  • I had something similar as a kid looking for my first job. Was interviewed and told verbally the next day I was getting the position so was made up and looking forward to joining the big bad world of work. Then...........nothing. Kept waiting for the promised paperwork. Eventually after a couple of weeks started chasing them up but they didn't have the decency to be straight with me and never called back to explain what had happened or even that they had changed their mind.

    Moral of the story was month or so later got a much better offer in a career I'm still in 28 years later so don't let the b'stards get your down and good luck with the next bunch.
  • Horrible situation. Had similar once, second interview was held over lunch at a posh chinese and we agreed the deal, to be confirmed in writing by the end of the week. Never heard, so chased, but eventually heard that the job had been filled in an industry mag. Put it down to experience, talk to them as Henry suggests. Its tough out there but keep confident in yourself and know something will come up soon. Be posiitive and don't let the bastards get you down
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