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Giving up the fags



  • It's hard, you have to be 100% committed. I've 'given up' a couple of times but when having a bad day or time, have slid back into old habits.

    The book mentioned is okay, but only if you're ready. You're missing nothing with patches, I had an inhaler which was okay. Otherwise e-cigs do seem the way to go.

    I'm also very tempted by hypnotism, a couple of people at work had it done a year ago and that was it, one even had to have his wife remove his cig packet from his pocket. It's roughly £120 but that's nothing for a regular smoker. Plus it would be cool to know how it feels to be hypnotised.
  • edited May 2013
    All the best Donny , my Mum and Dad used to smoke 40 fags a day each , used to drive me potty as a kid , as well as stinking the place out , i used to put those explosive things you could buy in the joke shop , in her fags , so that when she would lit up in bed at 6am they would explode , she doesn't smoke now.
  • It's funny you said that about the baby. My first wife was a smoker but when she became pregnant she decided she wanted to give up smoking and never smoked again for 20 years. What was strange was that she decided this before she knew she was pregnant. I reckon it was a hormonal thing.
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