Just got back from me local village where there was a healthy attendance for VE Day, just like it us in pretty much every French town and village. I just wanted to ask if anyone on here in the UK knows what was happening in their local town or village to mark such an important day?
Lest We Forget and all that
We also have an armed forces day event on 29th June.
; );
They will be sailing past Woolwich about 30 mins before the above times give or take a few minutes due to the tides etc. Might be worth a look if your down that way. It is always strange seeing them sail along that part of the river while everything else just goes on as normal.
My Grandfather Lionel Stanley, 5491669, he served with the Royal Hampshires from 1923-1951, he saw action in Cairo, Palastine and Junipor, he was one of the last off at Dunkirk and one of the first onto Gold Beach on D-day. An excerpt from his book-
From the early days
''he transferred to the 2nd Battalion and saw action in Cairo, Junipor and then Palestine. The battles or skirmishes they would have had with local militia would have been close-quarter fighting often including ‘bayonet charges’.''
From Dunkirk
''the platoon went inside and took a few dinner plates and then proceeded to bury them in the ground with just enough showing through the earth, a couple of Panzers stopped, the crews got out to inspect the ‘landmines’ and the British opened fire and killed them all, after setting fire to the tanks they made their retreat.''
This picture was taken in India in 1925, he would have been about 17, I have the braids he is wearing hanging up at home.
He wasn't a pop star or a footballer, he was better than that he was a bloody hero and I still miss him!
We Will Remember Them
He was quite a 'character'!
Perhaps the French mark VE day in greater style than the UK because the French have suffered under the boot of Fascism, both German and Vichy