The Mrs has been away all week at her parents in Welsh Wales and I am training it up there tomorrow night.
Had a few beers out on Monday and then last night had a few more than might be expected on a Tuesday.
Got up this morning to find my watch, phone, wallet, cufflinks, tie, shoes etc where I would usually put them and underwear and shirt all in the washing basket but could not find the suit I was wearing.
Looked everywhere in the 15 minutes I had to find the thing but no sign.
It needs finding tonight but no idea. It is not in any wardrobe and I even looked in the washing machine and dishwasher.
For those experienced in these things where do I focus ?
It would seem it was raining last night and so the suit was very neatly hung up in.....the airing cupboard (the thing with the hot water thing in) !
So the next problem is what to eat tonight. Last 3 nights have been Kebab, Curry, Fish and Chips. Start the cycle again or starve ?
Must admit i too am jealous
This this and this
Had a boys only weekend in my house just me and nljr and it was sweet best weekend in ages
Missed my daughter and was glad to pick her up sunday afternoon
But the wife didnt come back till sunday night and it was so relaxing
I think it's going to be a curry again.