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positive discrimination.



  • Just so people are clear, positive discrimination does not mean that lesser candidates are employed because they are from a minority.

    People apply and if two candidates are both equally qualified for a job, the person that is from a minority picks up the job.

    If the person from a majority race is better, he(or she) picks up the job anyway.

    Thanks for clarifying this. I'd been assuming that if, say, the pass mark is 6/10, majority race candidate gets 8/10 and minority group candidate gets 7/10 then, under positive discrimination, the 7/10 candidate may be offered the job in preference to the 8/10.

    If the 8/10 will always get the job then what is it that positive discrimination does that changes the current methods of recruitment?

    Basically just makes sure a candidate is picked on merit and not the fact that they 'seem more trustworthy' or another poor reason to pick a white candidate over a minority.
    So, it's removing unfair discrimination in favour of the majority group?

  • Just so people are clear, positive discrimination does not mean that lesser candidates are employed because they are from a minority.

    People apply and if two candidates are both equally qualified for a job, the person that is from a minority picks up the job.

    If the person from a majority race is better, he(or she) picks up the job anyway.

    Thanks for clarifying this. I'd been assuming that if, say, the pass mark is 6/10, majority race candidate gets 8/10 and minority group candidate gets 7/10 then, under positive discrimination, the 7/10 candidate may be offered the job in preference to the 8/10.

    If the 8/10 will always get the job then what is it that positive discrimination does that changes the current methods of recruitment?

    Basically just makes sure a candidate is picked on merit and not the fact that they 'seem more trustworthy' or another poor reason to pick a white candidate over a minority.
    So, it's removing unfair discrimination in favour of the majority group?

    That's the aim. Difficult to do in practice though, as it's almost impossible to enforce.
  • nolly said:

    i went to the first one and was arrested for kicking a clown

    Sorry mate, but I was forced to press charges :-)

  • The BNP have enjoyed a 10% share of the vote in numerous recent elections. However BNP members are banned from joining the police. This means, using the same logic, the police will never be able to reach out to 10% of the voting public, unless the met change and adapt.
  • The BNP have enjoyed a 10% share of the vote in numerous recent elections. However BNP members are banned from joining the police. This means, using the same logic, the police will never be able to reach out to 10% of the voting public, unless the met change and adapt.

    Anyone who thinks that ethic minorities etc are inherently inferior to white people is simply not fit to be a police officer.

  • What sort of monster kicks a clown?
  • what sort of creep dresses up as a clown?
  • nolly said:

    what sort of creep dresses up as a clown?

    have to agree with this.
  • Good point, some palace fans did it at ours once. The next time I see a clown...
  • Sponsored links:

  • The fear of clowns is coulrophobia.
  • I am going to apply tomorrow.
  • Positive discrimination was possibly the worst name that they could've given it, starts up all these arguments.

    Would you prefer "non-white" discrimination? "Non-male" discrimination? etc
  • The BNP have enjoyed a 10% share of the vote in numerous recent elections. However BNP members are banned from joining the police. This means, using the same logic, the police will never be able to reach out to 10% of the voting public, unless the met change and adapt.

    Anyone who thinks that ethic minorities etc are inherently inferior to white people is simply not fit to be a police officer.

    Arguably anyone who treats other people ideas and opinions as inherently inferior to there own is not fit to be a police officer. The argument could work both ways.
  • Arguably anyone who treats other people ideas and opinions as inherently inferior to there own is not fit to be a police officer.

    Every police officer must swear/affirm this oath:

    I, ... of ... do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law.

    Note the bits about fairness, integrity and impartiality and respect to all people.

    Anyone who is a BNP member/sympathiser fails on that straight away.
  • PL54 said:

    Positive discrimination was possibly the worst name that they could've given it, starts up all these arguments.

    Would you prefer "non-white" discrimination? "Non-male" discrimination? etc
    Look at what I said above. It's not 'non-white' discrimination.

    Governments trying to make sure positive discrimination happens with quotas is what is too far.
  • The BNP have enjoyed a 10% share of the vote in numerous recent elections. However BNP members are banned from joining the police. This means, using the same logic, the police will never be able to reach out to 10% of the voting public, unless the met change and adapt.

    Anyone who thinks that ethic minorities etc are inherently inferior to white people is simply not fit to be a police officer.

    Maybe, but it's not stopped them joining.
  • Growing up in a predominantly black area, with predominantly black mates, it used to be tantamount to heresy for anyone to think of joining the old bill when I was a kid. There were bloody good reasons for that too - far too many coppers were bad 'uns. I daresay they still are, but I think things have changed in the last few years - yet there's definitely still a large number of people who think you're a sellout if you're a black copper. This isn't the Met of today's fault - they're reaping what they've sowed throughout the 60s, 70s and 80s.
  • The BNP have enjoyed a 10% share of the vote in numerous recent elections. However BNP members are banned from joining the police. This means, using the same logic, the police will never be able to reach out to 10% of the voting public, unless the met change and adapt.

    Anyone who thinks that ethic minorities etc are inherently inferior to white people is simply not fit to be a police officer.

    Anyone who thinks that everyone who votes BNP think that ethnic minorities are inherently inferior to white people need to do a bit more digging.
  • What sort of monster kicks a clown?

    I knew he was millwall , typical, attacking an innocent Charlton fan

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