she struck me as a girl who was all stuck up but when it came down and dirty she was absolutely filthy. After watching the video she strikes me as one of those girls that freaks out if you touch her hair when she's fellating since it's "infinging on her rights as woman" or something
she struck me as a girl who was all stuck up but when it came down and dirty she was absolutely filthy. After watching the video she strikes me as one of those girls that freaks out if you touch her hair when she's fellating since it's "infinging on her rights as woman" or something
Rob - must try harder. Hope your well. For the amount of time you've got on your hands I expect better. First an image you scroll over that reveals her name. Now one with a lump of gold with her name on resting on her bristols.
Rob - must try harder. Hope your well. For the amount of time you've got on your hands I expect better. First an image you scroll over that reveals her name. Now one with a lump of gold with her name on resting on her bristols.
Agree with those that say how she won the FHM top100 though
Im in agreement, definitely shoudlnt be anywhere near the top 100. Just odd.
She makes a much better brunette than blonde, too.
Chav (albeit a famous chav) has a mate who deals. Big whoop.
Hope your well.
For the amount of time you've got on your hands I expect better.
First an image you scroll over that reveals her name. Now one with a lump of gold with her name on resting on her bristols.
some fantastic tit knowledge on here!
; )