Saw it last night. I enjoyed it. I admit I am a royalist and didn't like Di one little bit.
The bloke who plays Blair has got him right off to a tee, Cherie must have been pleased with her casting! Alistair Campbell was brilliantly snidey.
But for me Prince Phillip stole the whole show, blimey he said everything I did at the time!
The Queen mum and Charles were hysterical.
I don't like Helen Mirren but she is an excellent actress, so good that I even forgot it was her playing the lead - a superb performance.
I laughed out loud a few times, not sure that was the film makers intentions, but as I said, I enjoyed it.
totally felt for the Queen. Liked Diana myself but thought that the whole emotional hysteria when she died was way OTT.
quality film and like you say, some great acting.
Some parts of the film were like watching Spitting Image!
Why don't you like her? I think she's gorgeous - dead intelligent, just the right side of opinionated and certainly the only woman over sixty I've ever found attractive.
To me she made her name out of always getting her kit off. I didn't even fancy her in The Long Good Friday.
I think she is ugly.
Personally I think she's lush - and I don't think she's what you'd call hard left exactly - though she does have some political leanings to the left she's hardly Glenda Jackson!