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Leaburn, Kish, Romm - Love or Hate

So is there a consistency?
I love all three of them - probably in order of Leaburn (legend), Dennis, then Kish.

Anyone have more divided opinions?


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    I respect (love) a player who gives what he has. As I have tried to impress on my daughter while trying to get her to study for her GCSEs I can forgive lack of ability but not lack of application.

    Neither Leaburn nor Kish can be accused of lack of application and it was always obvious that they were giving the best they could.

    Dennis, not this season perhaps, but previously could have been accused of lacking application from time to time in my view.

    He is amongst the most frustrating players I've seen in all the years I've supported Charlton. He undeniably has immense ability and will show flashes of it from time to time but the end product is too often disappointing. I don't hate him but I find him very frustrating as described.
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    Thanks Len, I had tried to post the same thoughts but given up as it didn't look right.

    I agree wholeheartedly with you, was even trying to use the same father/daughter/schoolwork analogy.
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    i bet you liked Frank Bruno an all Len !

    i agree with what Len is saying, Leaburn and Kish never had the ability for the top level, Dennis has.

    That's the difference, and that's what makes Romm so frustrating.
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    And Eddie the Eagle as well!! :-))
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    [cite]Posted By: stanmoreaddick[/cite]And Eddie the Eagle as well!! :-))

    My oldest daughter used to sit with Eddie The Eagle in Law lectures at uni.

    There's a claim to fame:-)
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    edited March 2007
    All went downhill for him after that.

    I'm here all week (unfortunately for you lot).
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    Did she ever tell him to jump off a cliff?
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    [cite]Posted By: LenGlover[/cite]I respect (love) a player who gives what he has. As I have tried to impress on my daughter while trying to get her to study for her GCSEs I can forgive lack of ability but not lack of application.

    Neither Leaburn nor Kish can be accused of lack of application and it was always obvious that they were giving the best they could.

    Dennis, not this season perhaps, but previously could have been accused of lacking application from time to time in my view.

    He is amongst the most frustrating players I've seen in all the years I've supported Charlton. He undeniably has immense ability and will show flashes of it from time to time but the end product is too often disappointing. I don't hate him but I find him very frustrating as described.

    I think you've summed it up pretty well. I have always thought with Romm that he had a head problem which he could never escape from. I have seen a little extra resolve from him this season, especially after Pards has come which suggests that I may be wrong and that he can be stirred into making things happen consistantly. I hope so because he has bundles and bundles of talent.
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