Although I have a mobile phone, I don't have anyone's number on it and I only take it with me if i'm driving alone as my partner always has hers with her. In addition I don't know about aps and don't even know how to text. Well this morning the gf's phone rang but there wasn't a caller. I asked how this could happen. Her reply: "I probably accidentally touched the fake call button" So I'm taking it that most phones have a facility that helps you to lie more convincingly!
Oh f**king deary me!
I cant make tails nor heads of what you just wrote
Ususally because it's that bird from the petrol station asking me if I want to meet her for a bit of 'how's your father'!
Know what I mean??!!??!!
sadly, this was my first thought.
This is one of the benefits to my girl not really being able to speak English ;-)
As for the OP - I've never understood the pride of not knowing how to use technology.