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Kenny Sansom sleeping on a park bench...



  • I was referring the the suggestion that Arsenal were going to help him with his problems. Rather like Gazza, there seems to be a lot of public interest in former footballers falling on hard times as though they are more deserving in help to overcome their issues than those that never had fame or excessive wealth.

    My wife's sister spent weeks alone in hospital (without her parents) from the age of six right up until she died at eleven because her mum and dad needed to work as they needed the money, yet it would seem that Arsenal are going to help out this former employee because he has drunk and gambled his 'fortune' away.

    Maybe the fact that my wife brought this up recently (and doesn't talk about it fondly) influenced me to make the link but I was making the point that even though he was a player I liked back in the day I can't help but think that there are others that have problems worse than his that they had no influence over.

    A very poignant post. It serves to show that there is no such thing as 'natural justice'. Having said that, it is easier to help people who you know and have worked with rather than the mythical stranger. Cliché time: 'it is not a 'fair' world' unfortunately
  • I was referring the the suggestion that Arsenal were going to help him with his problems. Rather like Gazza, there seems to be a lot of public interest in former footballers falling on hard times as though they are more deserving in help to overcome their issues than those that never had fame or excessive wealth.

    My wife's sister spent weeks alone in hospital (without her parents) from the age of six right up until she died at eleven because her mum and dad needed to work as they needed the money, yet it would seem that Arsenal are going to help out this former employee because he has drunk and gambled his 'fortune' away.

    Maybe the fact that my wife brought this up recently (and doesn't talk about it fondly) influenced me to make the link but I was making the point that even though he was a player I liked back in the day I can't help but think that there are others that have problems worse than his that they had no influence over.

    It's a terrible indictment of our society that your wife's parents, through no fault of their own, had to leave her sister alone.

    One would have hoped that something could have been negotiated with their employers even if it was time off at a reduced rate or something.

    That said two wrongs don't make a right so if Arsenal can help Sansom that is good in my view.
  • They didnt go to the hospital after work?

  • They lived in Peterborough and the hospital was in Nottingham (it was a specialist hospital for children with brain tumors). To their credit the employers gave them weeks and weeks off on full and then partial pay, but she was in and out of hospital for over five years and there is, understandably, a limit to how much an employer can help out, even in terrible circumstances like this one.

    They did everything they could, as did the rest of the family, but there were times when it just wasn't enough.
  • Support Kenny Sansom ‏@GetSansomSober
    Please RT & shame The Sun newspaper. They published an article about my uncle and the picture isn't even him!!
  • there is a saying in life when people pass judgement on souls like Kenny

    There for the grace of god

    I was watching a programme the other night

    How to get a council house and there was a guy on there an ex investment banker lost his cash on a property deal, working on commission only now and in a 1 bed flat with him his wife and 2 kids and facing eviction for over crowding

    you never know what may happen to you financially or addiction or health

    good luck Kenny
  • there is a saying in life when people pass judgement on souls like Kenny

    There for the grace of god

    I was watching a programme the other night

    How to get a council house and there was a guy on there an ex investment banker lost his
    cash on a property deal, working on commission only now and in a 1 bed flat with him his wife and 2 kids and facing eviction for over crowding

    you never know what may happen to you financially or addiction or health

    good luck Kenny

    I watched that too, didn't have a great deal of sympathy for him tbh. He must have known what the risks were but still went ahead. He'd also been living in Singapore before he lost everything, then came back and brought his family over from the Philippines.
  • there is a saying in life when people pass judgement on souls like Kenny

    There for the grace of god

    I was watching a programme the other night

    How to get a council house and there was a guy on there an ex investment banker lost his cash on a property deal, working on commission only now and in a 1 bed flat with him his wife and 2 kids and facing eviction for over crowding

    you never know what may happen to you financially or addiction or health

    good luck Kenny

    It's There but for the grace of God,go I - a different meaning entirely. The saying is not about people being judgemental,it's an acknowledgement that one could have easily been in the same situation oneself had circumstances been different.
  • which is what I mean redskin it could easily have been anyone on here in Kenny's situation

    I agree DM but it just shows that the decisions you make in life can lead you to disaster
  • Redskin a bit pompous? The saying is empathetic, hence it is said to show humility and some forgiveness of other's trials and tribulations: Ironic seen as the saying was said by Protestant martyr John Bradford about other's being sent to execution before him. In it's very essence it is about judgement, and recognising sympathetically the path of others.

    Through sympathy, and with it's original intention it is all about judgement and that God is the ultimate judge. Clearly when John Bradford was burnt at the stake, he would have thought there for the grace of god go I. And as such he forgave all for their judgement of him and all those who had wronged him, and accepted God's fate for him.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Jesus Christ guys you lot know a lot about stuff,

  • ColinTat said:

    Hopefully replaces his addictions with something positive. Won the lottery as well in the mid 90's if I recall. If he does sort himself out, the PFA pension is unbelievably generous so hopefully in older life will be very comfortbal if he manages to find healthy interests.

    I'm happy to be corrected but, as footballers are allowed under Revenue rules to take their benefits at 35, I suspect that the pension he currently receives of £1,200 per month (of which half goes to his ex wife) is the pension he will always get - apart from the State Pension of course.

  • ColinTat said:

    Hopefully replaces his addictions with something positive. Won the lottery as well in the mid 90's if I recall. If he does sort himself out, the PFA pension is unbelievably generous so hopefully in older life will be very comfortbal if he manages to find healthy interests.

    I'm happy to be corrected but, as footballers are allowed under Revenue rules to take their benefits at 35, I suspect that the pension he currently receives of £1,200 per month (of which half goes to his ex wife) is the pension he will always get - apart from the State Pension of course.

    It may well be index linked but in principle I suspect you are right.
  • Jesus Christ guys you lot know a lot about stuff,

    So does Google.
  • Greenie said:

    Jesus Christ guys you lot know a lot about stuff,

    So does Google.
    and wiki

  • Kenny has been around the Bromley bookies scene for over 20 years. You will still see him in there today. Going back to when we was at Watford and earning, he was a familiar sight with a wad of cash laying out on the dogs. In recent years the FOBTs have well and truly got him.

    Nice fella, and getting well supported by the PFA.
  • Nope, you've lost me on a lot of that.
  • Kenny has been around the Bromley bookies scene for over 20 years. You will still see him in there today. Going back to when we was at Watford and earning, he was a familiar sight with a wad of cash laying out on the dogs. In recent years the FOBTs have well and truly got him.

    Nice fella, and getting well supported by the PFA.

  • I was referring the the suggestion that Arsenal were going to help him with his problems. Rather like Gazza, there seems to be a lot of public interest in former footballers falling on hard times as though they are more deserving in help to overcome their issues than those that never had fame or excessive wealth.

    My wife's sister spent weeks alone in hospital (without her parents) from the age of six right up until she died at eleven because her mum and dad needed to work as they needed the money, yet it would seem that Arsenal are going to help out this former employee because he has drunk and gambled his 'fortune' away.

    Maybe the fact that my wife brought this up recently (and doesn't talk about it fondly) influenced me to make the link but I was making the point that even though he was a player I liked back in the day I can't help but think that there are others that have problems worse than his that they had no influence over.

    A very harsh post.

    Gambling to the extent that Kenny Samson does is an illness, on a par with alcoholism. Samson doesn't have a choice to gamble..short of physical restraint, he cannot stop himself from doing so. Gambling releases some very powerful chemicals in the brain which to some people are very very addictive.

    Rather like Gazza with boozing, the mixture of public fascination and revulsion cannot disguise the fact that the guy is basically fighting a horrible illness.
  • FOBT - fixed odds betting terminals.
  • Sponsored links:

  • FOBT - fixed odds betting terminals.

    AKA a licence for the bookies to print money and the expense of the addicted.

  • Mate of mine know Kenny quite well and says sober he is a cracking bloke but drunk he's a pain in the arse (aren't we all) but if this is true sorry to hear it. Kenny Sansom was one of the best full backs that played for England IMO.
  • I was referring the the suggestion that Arsenal were going to help him with his problems. Rather like Gazza, there seems to be a lot of public interest in former footballers falling on hard times as though they are more deserving in help to overcome their issues than those that never had fame or excessive wealth.

    My wife's sister spent weeks alone in hospital (without her parents) from the age of six right up until she died at eleven because her mum and dad needed to work as they needed the money, yet it would seem that Arsenal are going to help out this former employee because he has drunk and gambled his 'fortune' away.

    Maybe the fact that my wife brought this up recently (and doesn't talk about it fondly) influenced me to make the link but I was making the point that even though he was a player I liked back in the day I can't help but think that there are others that have problems worse than his that they had no influence over.

    A very harsh post.

    Gambling to the extent that Kenny Samson does is an illness, on a par with alcoholism. Samson doesn't have a choice to gamble..short of physical restraint, he cannot stop himself from doing so. Gambling releases some very powerful chemicals in the brain which to some people are very very addictive.

    Rather like Gazza with boozing, the mixture of public fascination and revulsion cannot disguise the fact that the guy is basically fighting a horrible illness.
    Drivel. Neither Alcoholism or Gambling addiction are illnesses. Nor is drug addiction for that matter. You can't choose to get cancer. You can't choose to get Alzheimer's. You choose to drink or choose to gamble. The more people try to say its an illness or its a disease, the more they're enabling the gambler/drinker by giving them a 'reason' that they fuck their life up (and those of the people that care about them)
  • edited August 2013
    Mental illness isn't real.? Oh Ok.
  • Leroy

    Experienced and highly qualified professionals in this area would disagree with you.
  • Experienced and highly qualified professionals who have a vested interest in keeping the addiction-as-illness bandwagon going, you mean?
  • How long was you at medical school for Leroy?
  • No one is born with a gambling problem.
    It is a weakness not an illness.
  • Plaaayer said:

    How long was you at medical school for Leroy?

    About the same time you was at English lessons...? :)
  • Leroy
    £10 says gambling is an illness.
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