Shut up, cunt. You louse. You got some fuckin' neck ain't you. Retired? Fuck off, you're revolting. Look at your suntan, it's leather, it's like leather man, your skin. We could make a fucking suitcase out of you. Like a crocodile, fat crocodile, fat bastard. You look like fucking Idi Amin, you know what I mean? Stay here? You should be ashamed of yourself. Who do you think you are? King of the castle? Cock of the walk?
Al Pacino as Michael Corleone is probably my favouite But agree Heath Ledger as The Joker was sublime, the best study of proper malevolence I have ever seen Also have to shout for Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump and Gene Hackman in The French Connection
Kevin Spacey in American Beauty
Tom Hanks - Forrest Gump
Philip Seymour Hoffman - Synecdoche New York
Sam Rockwell in Moon, playing two different parts of a character arc simultaneously. Brilliant.
Daniel day Lewis as Daniel Plainview
Ben Kingsley Being Don Logan in Sexy Beast
Joe Pesci as Tommy DeVito in Goodfellas
Michael Fassbender in Shame
Nikki Rhodes
Teagan Presley
Bree Olson
Tory Lane
Ashlynn Brooke
Eva Angelina
How about brad Pit in snatch, played that well!
I've also really been impressed with Christoph Waltz stuff lately.
(With Christian's brother Gareth a close second).
But agree Heath Ledger as The Joker was sublime, the best study of proper malevolence I have ever seen
Also have to shout for Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump and Gene Hackman in The French Connection