About as much chance as you accepting my offer to come and spend a week at a hippy commune with the hairy arm-pitted earth mothers and long haired peaceniks, enjoying organic mung beans, tofu and nettle broths. Can just see you, dancing naked to the sound of the bongos, offering praises to the moon gods @BIG_ROB
About as much chance as you accepting my offer to come and spend a week at a hippy commune with the hairy arm-pitted earth mothers and long haired peaceniks, enjoying organic mung beans, tofu and nettle broths. Can just see you, dancing naked to the sound of the bongos, offering praises to the moon gods @BIG_ROB
Carl in UP - very touching, particularly when he loses Ellie (?) early in the movie
Was just going to post this. Don't mind admitting I was in tears within 15 minutes.
This. Awesome character. If Oscars were given for the perfomance of a cartoon charater, he would have won hands down. The first 15 mins of that film, wow, you wont have an animation hit you like that. Watched it in a packed cinema and every adult was choking back the tears. So heart wrenching.
Apart from the obvious Woody and any main character from Shrek i'm saying John C Riley as Wreck it Ralph, it is the best modern day animated film character at the mo i feel! My two young girls love it. I've absolutely no interest in any kind of arcade game (never have even when i was a wee nip) but its just an absolute fantastic film which we all watch as a family.
Anyone seen it?
Or not seen it, you have to see it especially if you had a penchant for an arcade game. Best since Toy story and shrek imo.
Apart from the obvious Woody and any main character from Shrek i'm saying John C Riley as Wreck it Ralph, it is the best modern day animated film character at the mo i feel! My two young girls love it. I've absolutely no interest in any kind of arcade game (never have even when i was a wee nip) but its just an absolute fantastic film which we all watch as a family.
Anyone seen it?
Or not seen it, you have to see it especially if you had a penchant for an arcade game. Best since Toy story and shrek imo.
Apart from the obvious Woody and any main character from Shrek i'm saying John C Riley as Wreck it Ralph, it is the best modern day animated film character at the mo i feel! My two young girls love it. I've absolutely no interest in any kind of arcade game (never have even when i was a wee nip) but its just an absolute fantastic film which we all watch as a family.
Anyone seen it?
Or not seen it, you have to see it especially if you had a penchant for an arcade game. Best since Toy story and shrek imo.
W-I R is very good, actually there are a few very good ones - How To Train Your Dragon is another really very good one. I do think that Pixar have lost the magic since being swallowed by Disney - Cars 2 and Brave were really disappointing for being done by the same people that did The Incredibles (one of my favourite films of all), and the Toy Story trilogy.
; )
; )
Do the birds dance kit off an all though?
The first 15 mins of that film, wow, you wont have an animation hit you like that. Watched it in a packed cinema and every adult was choking back the tears. So heart wrenching.
Anyone seen it?
Or not seen it, you have to see it especially if you had a penchant for an arcade game. Best since Toy story and shrek imo.