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edited August 2013 in Not Sports Related
I've decided to do something worthwhile, but I can't decide what. Has anyone got any ideas or suggestions for causes I could give my time to? Preferably in the Essex area?


  • If I was back in the UK I'd be knocking on the local hospices doors to volunteer in some way after the last few years experiences. Maybe help around the grounds or a bit of maintenance work one day a week.
  • The Royal Society for botox boob jobs and white stilettos
  • When down south I help run a job club for the Winfield Trust (part of United Response). They help deliver basic IT skills to people suffering from all forms and levels of depression. Very fulfilling, as someone who has suffered mild depression (not just CAFC related) over the years.

    Up here in Jock Land I am hoping to volunteer in something similar for Argyle and Bute Council so am going through background checks atm. After last night I think i'll be getting a knock back...

    Volunteering is good for the soul and this country would be fecked without the legion of good people who give their time and effort to help others at no cost to any level of government.
  • What do you enjoy doing?
  • Local animal shelter?
  • I volunteer Smudge it's very rewarding. I got in touch with them through the Bexley Voluntary Service Council, they hold surgeries in the library in Bexley Heath.



  • edited August 2013
    BIG_ROB said:

    If I was back in the UK I'd be knocking on the local hospices doors to volunteer in some way after the last few years experiences. Maybe help around the grounds or a bit of maintenance work one day a week.

    I know that Greenwich & Bexley Cottage Hospice were looking for someone to write a new intranet for them and also they are after IT support engineers, if anyone is interested.
  • Amongst other things I go out once or twice a month to workplaces, supermarkets, church groups, wherever has expressed an interest and advise on cancer screening and advocating that anyone who has a worry about cancer, however irrational it might seem to them, goes to see their Doctor (GP) a.s.a.p.
    As has been expressed on here, there are literally scores of organisations around the country that need volunteers.
    One thing though, most quangos and largeish 'reputable' organisations will need some kind of reference and put you through a little bit of training and / or induction, especially if you are dealing with 'the public'.
    @smudge7946 ... Good luck in finding a cause that suits you and appeals to you
  • Charlton Lifers have made a fantastic contribution to the club and associated charities over the last ten years - £50,000. Charlton Life Volunteers? I'd happily give a day up every now and again for a worthy community cause......
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  • What do you enjoy doing?

    Making inappropriate comments on 'would ya' threads and being constantly let down by under achieving an football club. Unfortunately neither are regarded as beneficial skills!

    Thanks for the advice, encouragement and links. I'll keep you all updated with any progress.

  • What do you enjoy doing?

    Making inappropriate comments on 'would ya' threads and being constantly let down by under achieving an football club. Unfortunately neither are regarded as beneficial skills!

    Thanks for the advice, encouragement and links. I'll keep you all updated with any progress.

    good stuff .. your heart is in the right place .. once you start doing whatever you'll love it .. getting started (As with many things) is the hard part .. good luck
  • I found it disppointing when I last tried to get into volunteering again.
    Charities all wanted to know up front how much time I would spare each week and wanted a six month committment before they would even consider me. I approached my local scout troop as I used to be a cub leader but they would only let me help if I started with Beavers who meet at 5pm (not really helpful if you work full time).
    In the end I was left thinking if you don't want me stuff it.
    I went back to doing evening classes at the local adult college which I've always enjoyed. They are well worth thinking about for filling an evening, if a little more selfish than volunteering.
  • Thanks for your suggestions. I've just started training as a sound technician for talking newspapers for the blind.
  • Nice one Smudge.
  • Thanks for your suggestions. I've just started training as a sound technician for talking newspapers for the blind.

    Hats of to you
  • edited October 2013
  • Thanks for your suggestions. I've just started training as a sound technician for talking newspapers for the blind.

    this is good news .. volunteering is sooooo worthwhile and life affirming .... it's good for the recipient and even better for the volunteer !!
  • That's a cracking thing to get involved with, well done fella
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  • DRF said:

    I found it disppointing when I last tried to get into volunteering again.
    Charities all wanted to know up front how much time I would spare each week and wanted a six month committment before they would even consider me. I approached my local scout troop as I used to be a cub leader but they would only let me help if I started with Beavers who meet at 5pm (not really helpful if you work full time).
    In the end I was left thinking if you don't want me stuff it.
    I went back to doing evening classes at the local adult college which I've always enjoyed. They are well worth thinking about for filling an evening, if a little more selfish than volunteering.

    I'm afraid that's too true really. Mrs Cafcfan thought about applying to work in a local charity shop. (By way of background she's a retired former Head of Department for a major business.) The info they wanted on the application form was unbelievable, incl. two referees, copies of utility bills to prove you were who you said, etc, etc. They were also very sniffy about how flexible the hours could be and wanted a strict morning or afternoon session with no cover arrangements for holidays.

    She decided she didn't want the aggro. The real deal breaker was that her car insurance company wanted more money because she'd no longer be "retired" even though it was an unpaid job! And any driving for the charity would have taken her outside the "social domestic & pleasure" category as well.

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