Well feck the lot of you - thought I'd done well with 10/13, but no - anything less than 13/13 and you're an imbecile apparently. :-)
I am a bit of a pedant when it comes to apostrophes so I feel shamed actually. It annoys me when people don't use you're and your correctly and to and too as well. gutted that I am not perfect.
I even try to remember to spell out one to ten but use digits for 11 onwards! What really hacks me off is the very regular use of, for example, "the 80's and 90's" when, as the 19 is missing, it should be '80s and '90s. Sometimes I even put an apostrophe in 'phone which is very sad. I also have to grit my teeth when people saying "different to" rather than "different from". After all, they wouldn't say "similar from" would they? Interestingly, Americans are really good at getting that right. And then there's using the word "data" as if it's singular. The BBC's journalists are very bad indeed at these two. I really need to get out more!
I thought the done thing was 1-12 then thirteen, fourteen...
As for the apostrophe for decades thing, while I agree, there is an acceptable level to which you can bend the rules, if it makes it easier for the reader to understand the sentence.
I am a bit of a pedant when it comes to apostrophes so I feel shamed actually. It annoys me when people don't use you're and your correctly and to and too as well. gutted that I am not perfect.
As for the apostrophe for decades thing, while I agree, there is an acceptable level to which you can bend the rules, if it makes it easier for the reader to understand the sentence.
A woman. Without her, man is nothing.
A misplaced comma and full stop can do more damage than a misplaced apostrophe.
I got one wrong, probably the Jesus one.