I have just passed my hgv class 2 . Trying to find a job live in Maidstone kent , was thinking of doing some 7.5 ton driving before hand to try get a bit of experience . All the jobs I have tried to look for say I need drivers experience but I don't have any as I have only just passed , many of them also say you have to be over 23 but I am only 21 . Anyone who is in this line of work have any advice ? Would realy appreciate it. Don't realy no what to do not to confident going straight into class 2 but not sure whether to just go for it or do some 7.5 ton work.
Wicked cheers mate will defo check agency's out , not realy bothered about money just need the experience . Appreciate it will defo follow that up
I will litteraly take anything offered I no it probly wouldn't be very nice work at the start but I no I can't afford to be fussy . Will apply for an agency cheers for the advice pal
Get as much experience with the trailer as you can, they are bastards to get the hang of