D - have you ever said look at the bird withe lively globes?
You're just thinking of round stuff!
I was watching the box once when Anna Ford was reading the news, and a caption indicating the next item flashed up across her chest. It said: GOLDEN GLOBES.
I think it's just there as a bit of a laugh now. I don't think any bloke actually pervs on it when you can access a multitude of filth at the click of an iPhone button.
Really? F**k me, all the time I've wasted on this site, if only I'd known.
Its about time they got rid of the political articles. I have no interest in politics. My girlfriend believes they should get rid of the sport pages as she has no interest in sport. If you catch my drift.
I "came" on this thread for some pictures of puppies and there aren't any yet
Clearly gotta wait for pg.3
just what I like .. a clever, well educated, politically aware, pretty young thing .. with a delicious pair of big tits !!
(deriv: space hoppers, originating in the 70's to describe large round bouncy things)