Having Just read the last couple of comments on the Rachel Riley thread by NLA & Macronate it made me wonder what your other halves think about the CL site?
A: Never heard of it.
B: Tolerate it.
C: Hate the fact you're on here loads.

Wish they were a Charlton fan so they could contribute.
It's B for me. When she's watching yet another reality show on tv (generally about brides or gypsies) and I wander out of the room I get..
"Where you off to, checking Charlton Life again?"
Me: "I'll only be 5 minutes love" - knowing full well that's never the case.
She might be right!
I don't let her see my username in case she ever decides to check and see what I say on certain theads!
Ask her divorce lawyer...
I talk about things on here from time to time but she has no interest in it. She may browse it on the iPad when I am not around but doubt it. I think she zones out when I mention Charlton really
She regards it as a complete waste of life and doesn't understand why I spend so much time on it although, to the best of my knowledge, she's never been on the site.