As I am turned 70 I have been offered the Shingles Vaccine,I have just read the symptoms of Shingles,which are not very nice, I also read the side effects of the Vaccine which can be nearly as bad as the disease. Does any one have any experience of this,vaccine/shingles.
Started with a rash on the side of my head but I didn't feel particularly ill, just really tired. Then the pains started! Attacks the nerve endings and was cuasing some pretty severe shooting pains in my head and ear. Fortunately being young(ish) and generally healthy I saw it off fairly quickly but if you're offered the vaccine I'd take it as when you get over a certain age the odds of those pains taking a really long time to go aren't particularly favourable. There's also potential complications with your eyesight, hearing and even encephalitis depending on where the virus attacks.
They were on the left hand side of the top of my head, VERY painful but I felt fine really.
I hated missing games so played my regular Saturday football as a striker and although a target man managed to keep all headers on my forehead, away from pain zone.
About 10 mins left and our right back pings in a back post cross and I get over the top of the left back for my header BUT he crumbles and I fall forward so rather than hitting my forehead the all hits me smack bang on my Shingles patch.
The ball looped into the far corner but the pain was UNBELIEVABLE, like a thousand sharp needles being plunged into my skull.
We won the game 1-0 but it was the most painful win ever.