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Potholes in road

Just wondered if anyone else has had experiences of having their cars damaged. Last night I hit a pothole in an unlit road at about 20mph, which burst my tyre immediately - felt like I drove over a large brick. This 'pothole' was 2ft wide, 1ft long and 6 inches deep - it was full of water so I did not even see it. There were 4 other cars further down the road - all with damaged tyres and wheels. Checked a 'pothole' website and this defect was reported to the local council over a week ago and has not been repaired. Hate to think what could happen to any motor cyclists or pedal cyclists who hit it.


  • Potholes are a major hazard cycling these days specially when filled with rain.
  • If it has been previously reported and the Council has not repaired it they are technically liable but they do try and wriggle out.
    Have a look at the numerous threads on the subject on in the "Speed, Plod & The Law" section of the forum on that site. Some drivers seem to get a claim paid but many do not.
  • Heard over the weekend that we're set for the 'worst winter in decades' so i doubt they're about to get any better
  • I went down one on my moped following a bus so didn't get time to react threw me off wrecked my bike, but the council just said tuff shit basically it's not their fault
  • Ive nearly came of my scooter a number of times. Threw my hands of the handle bars a few of the times but luckily stayed on. As above, there only going to get worse this winter.
  • Council have told me to submit claim to their insurer for new wheel, new tyre and to get tracking checked - £600. It appears that there were 13 similar claims over the weekend and the pothole was repaired overnight after I reported it to the Old Bill.
  • edited October 2013
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