Just started watching Halloween II and got me to thinking what's my favourite horror movie. I think Halloween was great and groundbreaking in many ways but it's The Omen that still puts the willys up me, if you pardon the expression.
Not films as such but the M.R James ghost stories filmed by the BBC in the early 70s - Warning to the Curious & Whistle and I'll Come to You - real classics..no gore, but just superbly atmospherically creepy
The Fog always creeps me out. Hammer Horror shorts of the 70's were really weird and disturbing (a doppelganger episode comes to mind!). A lot of modern horrors bore with the gore fest, but Woman in Black was a great adaptation of a brilliant stage play.
The isog always creeps me out. Hammer Horror shorts of the 70's were really weird and disturbing (a doppelganger episode comes to mind!). A lot of modern horrors bore with the gore fest, but Woman in Black was a great adaptation of a brilliant stage play.
The Fog is a good shout and I agree about the less is more sometimes with more recent films.
I watched insidious for the first time the other day, that was pretty good. Like the nightmare on elm street films (the originals) too, not because they're scary but because they are entertaining. For scariness though, although not a horror, snakes on a plane scared the hell out of me and gave me nightmares!
As an adult I have fallen out if love with horror films. As a kid , i used to love the Hammer horror films shown late at night on the BBC then I graduated to the like of The Omen and Poltergeist. The Grudge ( original) and the first Paranormal Activity were very good in recent years but the rest bore me.
I watched a pretty new film a couple of weeks ago, Sinister (from 2012 i think). Pretty disturbing movie. One of the better horror movies ive seen the last 10 years. Watch it :-)
I remember when I was 7 years old and watching 'An American Werewolf in London' that my Old Man had hired on video and that proper shit me up at that time! Took me a while to get over that!
The Omen and Poltergeist are probably up there in my top horror films as first saw them when I was a nipper also and was scared shitless!!!
Not films as such but the M.R James ghost stories filmed by the BBC in the early 70s - Warning to the Curious & Whistle and I'll Come to You - real classics..no gore, but just superbly atmospherically creepy
Great shout. Whistle and I'll Come was made two or three years ago (might have been done before in the 70s) with John Hurt. A brilliantly creepy ghost story with a bit of depth. Also Dickens's The Signalman dating back to the 70s. As you say no blood or gore but the skill is in the atmosphere and rising tension.
For full length feature films though, as others have said, The Shining is an all-time great.
The Thing Saw's The Conjuring Incidious Sinister Evil Dead (2013 version) Mama Don't be affraid of the dark Poltergiest Stigmarta The Possession The Last Exorcism Dark Skies The Exorcism of Emely Rose The Haunting In Connecticut Candyman 30 days of nights The Lost Boys Hellraiser Phantasm The Rite The Exorcist Pet Sematary The Entity The Ring Mirrors Th Uninvited The Amityville Horror Ghost Ship Case 39
I also like the cheesiness of Friday 13th and Nightmare On Elm Street. Freddy V Jason was one fantastic! Especially when Freddy gave Jason the "It's in the beans" gesture, I didn't realise American's did that as well.
I watched a pretty new film a couple of weeks ago, Sinister (from 2012 i think). Pretty disturbing movie. One of the better horror movies ive seen the last 10 years. Watch it :-)
This scared the crap out of me! Definitely worth watching if you like horrors.
The Shining - not just the film, even the book is scary.
The Shining scared the living bejeesus out of me. I watched it alone, and my brother banged on the front door during the "red rum" scene. I jumped two foot in the air, but only came down one.
The Shining, then The Thing & next up Rosemary's Baby.
Horror films with things coming out of mirrors or the telly or malevolent beings hurting children are the ones that I find most disturbing & harder to forget but not favourites. The Ring scene with the telly is a pillow over face moment. The torture films are getting a bit much now. Keep thinking its encouraging the already unstable, desenseitizing? (Unsure of spelling) & putting ideas in deranged heads.
Se7en, whilst not a horror, always has me edge and the scene with the bloke strapped to the bed is one of the jumpiest moments I've ever had!
Hammer Horror shorts of the 70's were really weird and disturbing (a doppelganger episode comes to mind!).
A lot of modern horrors bore with the gore fest, but Woman in Black was a great adaptation of a brilliant stage play.
Jigsaw Killer - brilliant villain.
As a kid , i used to love the Hammer horror films shown late at night on the BBC then I graduated to the like of The Omen and Poltergeist.
The Grudge ( original) and the first Paranormal Activity were very good in recent years but the rest bore me.
Paranormal activity did on a psychological level. Really shit me up the first time i saw it.
Pretty disturbing movie. One of the better horror movies ive seen the last 10 years. Watch it :-)
The Omen and Poltergeist are probably up there in my top horror films as first saw them when I was a nipper also and was scared shitless!!!
For full length feature films though, as others have said, The Shining is an all-time great.
The Conjuring
Evil Dead (2013 version)
Don't be affraid of the dark
The Possession
The Last Exorcism
Dark Skies
The Exorcism of Emely Rose
The Haunting In Connecticut
30 days of nights
The Lost Boys
The Rite
The Exorcist
Pet Sematary
The Entity
The Ring
Th Uninvited
The Amityville Horror
Ghost Ship
Case 39
As you can tell i love a horror
I also like the cheesiness of Friday 13th and Nightmare On Elm Street. Freddy V Jason was one fantastic! Especially when Freddy gave Jason the "It's in the beans" gesture, I didn't realise American's did that as well.
The Shining - not just the film, even the book is scary.
Horror films with things coming out of mirrors or the telly or malevolent beings hurting children are the ones that I find most disturbing & harder to forget but not favourites. The Ring scene with the telly is a pillow over face moment. The torture films are getting a bit much now. Keep thinking its encouraging the already unstable, desenseitizing? (Unsure of spelling) & putting ideas in deranged heads.
Jigsaw Killer - brilliant villain.