That was really good. I can see what he did there. Before he was asked what he liked in a girl he had a quick look round the pub and saw a female on her own and decided that she was probably available and that was the one he was going to go for.
That was really good. I can see what he did there. Before he was asked what he liked in a girl he had a quick look round the pub and saw a female on her own and decided that she was probably available and that was the one he was going to go for.
You mean that's what you'd have done .... pre-Mrs Smudge obviously
I worked quite a few lousy short films back when I was doing sound but that was a really good piece of work. Seems to have lots of views and so I suspect your pal will get some good contacts and hopefully more out of it. Are there any credits available - would watch more by the writer/director of this. It's really good.
That was really good. I can see what he did there. Before he was asked what he liked in a girl he had a quick look round the pub and saw a female on her own and decided that she was probably available and that was the one he was going to go for.
You mean that's what you'd have done .... pre-Mrs Smudge obviously
What a nice guy! The pitfalls of objectification haven't just been avoided, they've been poemised out of existence. A veritable Keats reborn. Girls, put down thy books and open thy legs, Mark's about!
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