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No More Road Tax Discs

A disc is easy to spot. Will the new 'system' lead to more computer and camera surveillance countered by more fraud and tax avoidance ?


  • No such thing as road tax, but yep - discs should've been done away with ages ago.

    Now get rid of VED altogether and just add it onto petrol prices and then people pay for what they use.
  • Road tax hasn't existed since 1937, keep up ; )
  • What is the new system?
  • WSS said:

    Now get rid of VED altogether and just add it onto petrol prices and then people pay for what they use.

    I remember this was debated back in the eighties to put the price up to a pound a gallon (yes, gallon). Good ol Maggie gave us half of what we wanted and put it up................

  • edited December 2013
    The important thing about the tax disc was that it gave the authorities an audit source to check that your MOT and insurance were current. They no longer need that as they get that info direct from source. I still bet that the excise duty won't get scrapped in my lifetime though.
  • What is the new system?

    an 'electronic system' .. presumably OB in their car can punch in a plate number and get info from Swansea .. taxed or not
    WSS said:

    No such thing as road tax, but yep - discs should've been done away with ages ago.

    Now get rid of VED altogether and just add it onto petrol prices and then people pay for what they use.

    The present system is not based on petrol or road usage but on CO2 emissions. I agree that theoretically the more petrol one uses, the more emissions. However some vehicles can travel (say) 10,000 miles and emit less noxious fumes than another vehicle which travels (say) 5,000 miles.
  • Does this only apply to new cars being built?
  • Nice of Boy George to let us know that there's a DD system coming in. Not so nice that there will be an 'administration fee' for using it...
  • Most police traffic cars are fitted with number plate recognition cameras which can instantly convey the information on the vehicle they are following.
  • Combined with indefinite SORN coming in it's going to make it more difficult for local authorities to identify and therefore remove abandoned vehicles.
  • Sponsored links:

  • You know you've made it in life when you go from buying 6 to 12 month discs.
  • You know you've made it in life when you go from buying 6 to 12 month discs.

    You know you've past it in life when you didn't know 6 months was an option
  • Should be interesting. What will the motorists bellow at cyclists now?
    'I pay my fucking road tax by dd?' :-)

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