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Anyone seen the weather in the NFL tonight?


  • This game has gotta be one for the NFL connoisseur ... for me it's unwatchable
  • -13 oc in Green Bay too!
  • Its well over ankle deep in the end zone. I think they said that only one game has been called off since the start of the NFL
  • Had -8 here in the morning for last week and half. Not trying to topper no one like...

  • I know they all wear body armour etc but diving around in that snow, with bare arms is impressive.
  • I remember watching a game on channel 4 a few years ago at Three Rivers (can't remember who the Steelers were playing, might have been the Browns) that was played in an absolute blizzard. Even worse conditions than this one. I love watching nfl games in snow, its brilliant.
  • I love a snow game. Adds something else to the entertainment.
  • Wahey! Got a tip last week that this game was going to be played in a blizzard and laid a ton on it! Thanks Sodj :-)
  • BIG_ROB said:

    Had -8 here in the morning for last week and half. Not trying to topper no one like...


    Did you mean to paste a picture of your test results ROB?

    Don't worry though, it will all clear up after a week or so on the tablets.
  • Some ridiculously good games today, ending of Ravens Vikings was absolutely incredible.
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  • About four tds with four lead changes in the last two minutes. Also really good to see Reinbold back in the studio - fun guy. Much better than Cecil Martin.
  • Think the only time they cancel the game is when foggy as not good tv viewing or when wind makes it dangerous for fans in stadium. Google the 1967 ice bowl between Green Bay and Dallas. Several players got frostbite, the refs couldn't use whistles as froze to lips so had to shout to end plAys.
  • that Detroit v Philly game turned out to be a good un.

    only one extra point attempt made because of the conditions and that was blocked.

    agree about Reinbold, he is good to listen to.
  • Some ridiculously good games today, ending of Ravens Vikings was absolutely incredible.

    Heart attack time here in Baltimore.

  • BIG_ROB said:

    Had -8 here in the morning for last week and half. Not trying to topper no one like...


    Why torture yourself, living in that climate?
  • Ravens was part of my winning four fold in the NFL.

    couldnt believe the ending, Red Zone was brilliant viewing on Sky
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