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Uruguay legalise marijuana



  • I don't think there is any doubt that smoking cannabis is bad for you.

    The question is whether we prefer gangsters to regulate it or the government. I appreciate that it may seem there is little difference sometimes.

  • I cant see it myself, Im 30 and doubt it will happen in my life time. I think its more about putting all responsibility onto the smokers... we are more likely to see certain medical procedures rejected or blocked if you smoke than an actual smoking ban.

    shine166 said:

    ..and stats never lie ? 50 years ago smoking was good for you and your life style, now it is so bad they put images of dead lungs on the packets. If the people in power really cared about us tobacco would be banned too. As it is, cannabis is banned unless it is synthetically reproduced to be sold by doctors... once again its all down to money. If im growing weed in my garden , im not plowing money into the governments pockets.

    PopIcon said:

    JohnBoyUK said:

    Jeez, I dread to think what repercussions that will have on their mental health over the next few years and onwards into the future.

    Cannabis only increases your chances of suffering mental health issues if you are already predisposed to a problem. Even then it's only a few percent.
    There are approx 50,000,000 adults in the UK, what's a few percent of that? 1,500,000? That is quite a few people with a predisposition, but I actually suspect its more than 3%. I have a close friend who works in mental health services, the detrimental implications of marijuana on any given persons mental health outweighs drinking, smoking and every other recreational drug combined.
    They are working on it though aren't they? Smoking is being banned bit by bit.
  • edited December 2013
    Exactly why people eat it, anything burnt and then consumed is carcinogenic.
    Jints said:

    I don't think there is any doubt that smoking cannabis is bad for you.

  • I don't think you can compare crack & smack to a bit of weed lols.
  • Jints said:

    I don't think there is any doubt that smoking cannabis is bad for you.

    The question is whether we prefer gangsters to regulate it or the government. I appreciate that it may seem there is little difference sometimes.

    smoking anything is terrible for your health. Consuming cannabis isn't that bad for you, and can have positive side effects for many people with lifelong illnesses and conditions.

    Eating and inhaling cannabis water vapour are two ways of enjoying cannabis without any real negative side effects.
    Jints said:

    The question is whether we prefer gangsters to regulate it or the government. I appreciate that it may seem there is little difference sometimes.

    this is pretty much my argument at the end of the day.
  • JT said:

    Kent Addicks are the best Addicks.


    I never thought I'd see the day when JT is giffed.........
  • I doubt that this will solve the trafficking issue, the gangsters won't simply stop and go away, they will continue growing their own or smuggling stuff in and undercutting the 'legal' prices, thereby maintaining their trade. The enforcement agencies will find themselves chasing the same people but for slightly different reasons. I'm not saying that I do have the answer but I don't think this is it.
  • MONTEVIDEO, URUGAY – The government of Uruguay sets to one dollar the price of a gram of marijuana, which the state will harvest and sell when parliament passes a law promoted by the government of Jose Mujica. This law seeks to combat drug trafficking in the country.

    Although still lacking the pronouncement of the senators around the law, the government considered imminent vote for the project that also enables limited self-cultivation.

    The Secretary General of the National Drug Board, Julio Calzada, informed the newspaper El Pais that the marketing of the drug will begin in mid-2014, which “”gives time to harvest and sell“. He said that the product will be delivered to each user upon registration in a database which will not be made ​​public.

    Each person can buy up to 40 grams per month, although that number could vary depending on the amount of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive component found in Marijuana.

    Calzada said the price of marijuana was fixed so that they “

    He explained that one gram is enough for “”a thick cigarette; or two to three thinner cigarettes.“

    Calzada also said that “”the illegal market is very risky and the quality of the product is poor.” But, the state will “”provide a safe place to buy, a good quality product and will sell at the same price.“

    According to figures from the National Drug Board, 120,000 people use marijuana at least once a year in Uruguay, a country with more than three million inhabitants.

    Of these, 75,000 smoke marijuana at least once a month and 20,000 every day. From these figures, the drug business generates a monthly income that exceeds $ 1.5 million.
  • I doubt that this will solve the trafficking issue, the gangsters won't simply stop and go away, they will continue growing their own or smuggling stuff in and undercutting the 'legal' prices, thereby maintaining their trade. The enforcement agencies will find themselves chasing the same people but for slightly different reasons. I'm not saying that I do have the answer but I don't think this is it.

    Agree but as know happens with illegally imported fags or booze the public has the choice to buy legit or illegit. Some won't want to deal with criminals so at least that market will be denied to them where as at present it is the only place to buy.
  • edited December 2013

    I doubt that this will solve the trafficking issue, the gangsters won't simply stop and go away, they will continue growing their own or smuggling stuff in and undercutting the 'legal' prices, thereby maintaining their trade. The enforcement agencies will find themselves chasing the same people but for slightly different reasons. I'm not saying that I do have the answer but I don't think this is it.

    Agree but as know happens with illegally imported fags or booze the public has the choice to buy legit or illegit. Some won't want to deal with criminals so at least that market will be denied to them where as at present it is the only place to buy.
    At $1 a gram it will be almost impossible to undercut the goverment too
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  • edited December 2013
  • Smoking and drinking should be illegal if Cannabis is.

    Legalising and regulating/taxing Cannabis and spending the money gained on mental health will do more good for this country than making it illegal and allowing gangsters to run the market.
  • shine166 said:

    I doubt that this will solve the trafficking issue, the gangsters won't simply stop and go away, they will continue growing their own or smuggling stuff in and undercutting the 'legal' prices, thereby maintaining their trade. The enforcement agencies will find themselves chasing the same people but for slightly different reasons. I'm not saying that I do have the answer but I don't think this is it.

    Agree but as know happens with illegally imported fags or booze the public has the choice to buy legit or illegit. Some won't want to deal with criminals so at least that market will be denied to them where as at present it is the only place to buy.
    At $1 a gram it will be almost impossible to undercut the goverment too
    agreed, its currently about £10 a gram in this country or something if memory serves (havent smoked/bought any in about a year). Really dont think it would be worth it for anyone to undercut the legal price.
  • Im sorry to hear about that. Maybe the academics could spend the next decade studying alcohol and then compare the results ?. You didnt say if you drink or not, no match day pint or 2 ? maybe a cheeky bevvy after a long day at work to unwind ?.
    JohnBoyUK said:

    shine166 said:

    JohnBoyUK said:

    Jeez, I dread to think what repercussions that will have on their mental health over the next few years and onwards into the future.

    Classic response. Just hope you dont drink alcohol or do any other disease inducing past times
    Yes, a classic response from someone who works with the worlds two leading Academics who have spent their lives researching the effect of cannabis and weed on the brain and mental health. Feel free to brush up on the research of Professor Sir Robin Murray at the Institute of Psychiatry at KCL, you might learn something. I also say that after I've watched three people's lifes destroyed because of smoking it. So yes, classic response from someone who clearly doesnt know what they are talking about.

  • Seems that the US is making steps to go down this route. A few states now selling it for "medicinal purposes", Which I think is just the govt slowly legalizing it...............
  • shine166 said:

    I cant see it myself, Im 30 and doubt it will happen in my life time. I think its more about putting all responsibility onto the smokers... we are more likely to see certain medical procedures rejected or blocked if you smoke than an actual smoking ban.

    shine166 said:

    ..and stats never lie ? 50 years ago smoking was good for you and your life style, now it is so bad they put images of dead lungs on the packets. If the people in power really cared about us tobacco would be banned too. As it is, cannabis is banned unless it is synthetically reproduced to be sold by doctors... once again its all down to money. If im growing weed in my garden , im not plowing money into the governments pockets.

    PopIcon said:

    JohnBoyUK said:

    Jeez, I dread to think what repercussions that will have on their mental health over the next few years and onwards into the future.

    Cannabis only increases your chances of suffering mental health issues if you are already predisposed to a problem. Even then it's only a few percent.
    There are approx 50,000,000 adults in the UK, what's a few percent of that? 1,500,000? That is quite a few people with a predisposition, but I actually suspect its more than 3%. I have a close friend who works in mental health services, the detrimental implications of marijuana on any given persons mental health outweighs drinking, smoking and every other recreational drug combined.
    They are working on it though aren't they? Smoking is being banned bit by bit.
    I don't think they will make it illegal but they are gradually reducing the number of places one can smoke. Banning it from pubs and restaurants probably reduced the overall consumption by a significant percentage. I think smoking in public places will be next which will stop people from standing around outside businesses smoking and will, as good as, ban all smoking outside of one's home, which will be virtually a complete ban for anyone that doesn't drive to work.
  • shine166 said:

    Im sorry to hear about that. Maybe the academics could spend the next decade studying alcohol and then compare the results ?. You didnt say if you drink or not, no match day pint or 2 ? maybe a cheeky bevvy after a long day at work to unwind ?.

    JohnBoyUK said:

    shine166 said:

    JohnBoyUK said:

    Jeez, I dread to think what repercussions that will have on their mental health over the next few years and onwards into the future.

    Classic response. Just hope you dont drink alcohol or do any other disease inducing past times
    Yes, a classic response from someone who works with the worlds two leading Academics who have spent their lives researching the effect of cannabis and weed on the brain and mental health. Feel free to brush up on the research of Professor Sir Robin Murray at the Institute of Psychiatry at KCL, you might learn something. I also say that after I've watched three people's lifes destroyed because of smoking it. So yes, classic response from someone who clearly doesnt know what they are talking about.

    Lets not mistake the physical addiction/dependency to alcohol, which is a disease to smoking weed which is more than likely a psychological addiction. Sadly enough once of you suffer from a psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia you have to live with it, there is no cure as such.
  • JohnBoyUK said:

    shine166 said:

    Classic response. Just hope you dont drink alcohol or do any other disease inducing past times
    Yes, a classic response from someone who works with the worlds two leading Academics who have spent their lives researching the effect of cannabis and weed on the brain and mental health. Feel free to brush up on the research of Professor Sir Robin Murray at the Institute of Psychiatry at KCL, you might learn something. I also say that after I've watched three people's lifes destroyed because of smoking it. So yes, classic response from someone who clearly doesnt know what they are talking about.

    A mate of mine has also done a lot of (published) work in this area, probably amounting to 10-12 years research on various drug, crime, mental health issues. Including dozens maybe 100's of interviews, with users, health professionals, police, probation service, etc. She would very much support JohnBoy's line that long term cannabis use leads to a significantly increased risk of mental health issues.

    She also points out that she's never met a Class A user who didn't start out on weed or at the very least use it to supplement their existing addiction.

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  • The argument that weed is a gateway drug is ridiculous, where does the buck stop? Most of the people, if not all that I know that smoke weed started smoking cigarettes then went on to dabbling in a bit of herb. I bet those guys must have started drinking at some point as well.
  • I guess the buck stops at the point where one has to buy the item illegally rather than in the newsagents? I'm not aware that WH Smiths are currently offering prohibited drugs along with the Exchange & Mart but I haven't been in for a while.
  • I guess the buck stops at the point where one has to buy the item illegally rather than in the newsagents? I'm not aware that WH Smiths are currently offering prohibited drugs along with the Exchange & Mart but I haven't been in for a while.

    Smiths don't even sell Shooting Times let alone hashish Bournemouth pal
  • Shooting Up Times is a big seller in the Glasgow branch though.
  • edited December 2013
    With a couple of exceptions, this thread really does sound like some bald old men arguing about the attributes of a comb.
    A comb in another country.
    That they have never visited, and never will.

    Great stuff!

    BTW Cannabis leads to Class A drug use?
    Not according to last year's GCSE exam question source material.
    More intelligent sample of relevant literature

    The gateway hypothesis proposes that cannabis use increases the risk of starting to consume
    hard drugs. We test this controversial, but influential, hypothesis on a sample of cannabis
    users employing a unique set of drug prices. A flexible approach is developed to identify the
    causal gateway effect using a bivariate survival model with shared frailty estimated using a
    latent class approach. The model suggests two distinct groups; a smaller group of “troubled
    youths” for whom there is a statistically significant gateway effect that doubles the hazard of
    starting to use hard drugs and a larger fraction of “most youths” where previous cannabis use
    has little impact.
  • If we legalise weed then what next?

    Legalise coke in 10 years?

    Crime stats will decrease due to it being legal but crime will increase if it is legalised.

    Aggression, robberies for the extra money, poor relationships.
  • edited December 2013
    dizzee said:

    If we legalise weed then what next?

    Legalise coke in 10 years?

    Crime stats will decrease due to it being legal but crime will increase if it is legalised.

    Aggression, robberies for the extra money, poor relationships.

    drug use is not a criminal issue, it's a health one, and should be treated as such.

    Also, I'm sure the above reasons were what bible bashing americans were saying about the fall of prohibition in america.
  • dizzee said:

    If we legalise weed then what next?

    Legalise coke in 10 years?

    Crime stats will decrease due to it being legal but crime will increase if it is legalised.

    Aggression, robberies for the extra money, poor relationships.

    You're right!
    If they de-criminalise weed, heroin injections will be compulsory in all primary schools within weeks, all teenagers will be forced to inject themselves with rat poison, house prices will fall and then there will be baby meat on sale in Lewisham market and,,,,
    Is there an non-lol button
  • With a couple of exceptions, this thread really does sound like some bald old men arguing about the attributes of a comb.
    A comb in another country.
    That they have never visited, and never will.

    Great stuff!

    BTW Cannabis leads to Class A drug use?
    Not according to last year's GCSE exam question source material.
    More intelligent sample of relevant literature

    The gateway hypothesis proposes that cannabis use increases the risk of starting to consume
    hard drugs. We test this controversial, but influential, hypothesis on a sample of cannabis
    users employing a unique set of drug prices. A flexible approach is developed to identify the
    causal gateway effect using a bivariate survival model with shared frailty estimated using a
    latent class approach. The model suggests two distinct groups; a smaller group of “troubled
    youths” for whom there is a statistically significant gateway effect that doubles the hazard of
    starting to use hard drugs and a larger fraction of “most youths” where previous cannabis use
    has little impact.

    Or in other words isn't that saying that there's a (significant) group where it doubled the likelihood of them moving on to harder drugs and larger group where it had an effect but not as much. In fact had you read further than the opening paragraph of your link, you would have seen them state that it is indeed a gateway drug.

    This is always going to be one of those subjects where people believe what they want to believe really.
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