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***The Takeover thread mk. 3.0 (IT"S NOT DONE - BUT YOU HAVE BEEN!!!)***



  • We won't be able to loan in Standard Liege's entire reserve team a la Watford and Udinese.

    Let's hope not - I don't imagine the reserve team is that good
  • Barnie and Ian Wallis did well on TV................well done lads. Belgium reporter saying that DR is in it to make money but he will have the 'best interests of Charlton at heart' !
  • You go away for a weekend in the wilds of Norfolk with poor internet signal and all hell's let loose.

    Happy days. Lots of beer tonight and lots of catching up on Monday.

  • During my 'grown up years', if anyone comes up to me and says " have you met so- n- so? he's a right twat...."
    I've thought to myself that he might well be, however, I will wait until he proves to me that he's a twat and make my own mind up when I get to know him.

    I will use the same logic on RD.

    Too human or too sensible an idea?
  • During my 'grown up years', if anyone comes up to me and says " have you met so- n- so? he's a right twat...."
    I've thought to myself that he might well be, however, I will wait until he proves to me that he's a twat and make my own mind up when I get to know him.

    I will use the same logic on RD.

    Too human or too sensible an idea?


    I have no time for people who gossip or thrive on hearsay! I make my own decisions after seeing them in action.

  • Slater - "We believe we have found an investor with extensive knowledge of football who is well placed to stabilize the club in the Championship and help the club to develop on a sensible commercial basis."

    Think people need to keep their feet on the ground. Still good news though.

    just catching up so couple of hundred pages out but this 100%. And I'm more than happy with this because if we can be competitive in the next couple of years we'll quickly find ourselves in a position of strength whilst all the other clubs throwing silly money about now and gambling to get promoted will start tanking and have to start what we've been doing now to stay afloat.

    Basically look at arsenal - fans crying due to 5 years of "just" top 4 finishes and now they have a platform to build and dominate. Hope our fans can look to the long term if we don't see millions being splashed about immedietely (and that for me is the next 2 years). Charlton needs to be around for another 100 so what's 2 years if that means the next 98 will be better.
  • You go away for a weekend in the wilds of Norfolk with poor internet signal and all hell's let loose.

    Happy days. Lots of beer tonight and lots of catching up on Monday.

    Weekend it's only friday

  • We won't be able to loan in Standard Liege's entire reserve team a la Watford and Udinese. The Football League have (rightly) since tightened the rules on that kind of behaviour.

    Nothing to stop him transferring players for small fees.

    Football(er) for a 'fiver' soon to be a regular event at The Valley?
  • We won't be able to loan in Standard Liege's entire reserve team a la Watford and Udinese. The Football League have (rightly) since tightened the rules on that kind of behaviour.

    Nothing to stop him transferring players for small fees.

    Football(er) for a 'fiver' soon to be a regular event at The Valley?
    We're only three days into January but THIS is post of the year 2014!!!
  • Sponsored links:

  • Is there a link to the interview ? Is Ian Wallis the posh geezer from Bromley?
  • Is there a link to the interview ? Is Ian Wallis the posh geezer from Bromley?

    Thought that was Henry ?

  • Is there a link to the interview ? Is Ian Wallis the posh geezer from Bromley?

    Thought that was Henry ?

    Cardigan or no cardigan? That's the answer... ;-)
  • WSS said:

    Loved this comment under the story on Eurosport. I don't think we're going to be bored that's for sure!

    Duchatelet "an extensive knowledge of football" ? Best joke of the week. I'm Belgian and Duchatelet knows nothing about soccer, everybody knows that here. Just one example: checking the players' stats he realised that some (the midfielders) ran more than others. He asked the coach why. "Because they play in midfield and defenders and attackers run less than midfielders". "Then, why don't you put those midfielders in defense and attack in the second half, so everybody will run the same kilometres". Another time, he refused to sign a player who couldn't calculate the square root of a number. Also, be warned: he's in football for the money ONLY. Ask the Standard supporters, they assaulted his offices last June after learning he had repaid himself 22M€ from the club's funds. He owns several clubs, directly or via his wife or his son: Standard Liège (Pro League), Sint Truiden (Belgian D2), Carl Zeiss Iéna (German D4), Ujpest Dosza (Hungary) and now Charlton. He could call his firm "the Carrousel". Don't be surprised if you see bizarre signings in the future, players bought but never on the pitch etc. It's all part of the big Carrousel.
    Doesn't sound much different to Iain Dowie.

    Brilliant. That made me laugh.
  • Having trawled all the various threads I can't really find any good comments about Roland, but when you're drowning it doesn't pay to be too fussy about who rescues you. Plus turning up to home games hoping for a draw was getting boring, so on the whole I'm pleased, whilst expecting things to get lively in the future.
  • Been at work and have just logged on to ne greeted by this awesome news... Those Rihanna pictures were great.

    Oh and I'm pleased about the takeover too.

    Forgotten about the takeover, where are the pics of Rihanna ?

  • Does anyone have the BBC interview link ?
  • Shocking shirt Mr Wallis
  • Sponsored links:

  • Damn I cannot play it, its iPlayer

    if anyone can whack it onto YouTube, I'd be much obliged

  • Both chaps did well. I've not done tv but I have been interviewed on camera for a video shoot and it's surprising how nerves affect both the brain and the voice, even for experienced public speakers.
  • You go away for a weekend in the wilds of Norfolk with poor internet signal and all hell's let loose.

    Happy days. Lots of beer tonight and lots of catching up on Monday.


    Poor internet? Managing to get any signal - now that is proogress in Narfuk! :)
  • Sitting in Val D'isere watching the news so that was a surprise to have a report of such length.

    Very good news to get off the slopes to as well.

    Razil spoke very well, does Ian Wallis post on here? He also spoke well.
  • Not read the last 6 pages. I'll probably be in a very small minority here, but would like to thank the former owners for appointing a great manager and for helping him assemble a record breaking League 1 squad. We're in a much better position than we were before the arrived.Always sceptical about new owners, so we'll have to wait and see how this one pans out.

    The Charlton roller-coaster is once more ready to roll, so buckle up..................
  • Glad Charlton avoiding administration. Hope that the previous directors / investors got some of their money back. Will wait and see over the next 6 months to year whether Duchelet will be a good thing for the club or not. Not feeling ecstatic about the news at this point or wildly optimistic at this stage.

  • Think some of you are getting a bit carried away...suprised someone hasnt mentioned signing messi, and champions league football in the next few years. Lets hope the foundation is being layed for the next few generations of Charlton fans to enjoy football at The Valley. Hopefully in the top flight of course, dont want boom and bust here thanks....look at Bolton 161mill in the red.
  • Been at work and have just logged on to ne greeted by this awesome news... Those Rihanna pictures were great.

    Oh and I'm pleased about the takeover too.

    Forgotten about the takeover, where are the pics of Rihanna ?

    Page 9!
  • Been at work and have just logged on to ne greeted by this awesome news... Those Rihanna pictures were great.

    Oh and I'm pleased about the takeover too.

    Forgotten about the takeover, where are the pics of Rihanna ?

    Page 9!
    Thanks Neil, couldn't see them in work but as a matter of research I felt that I should, just need to wait for the wife to fall asleep ;-)
  • The one word that keeps popping into my head is 'Peninsular'
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Roland Out Forever!